Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
Cerita tentang jalan hidup keluargaku
Dulu ketika keluargaku hidup susah banyak orang yang melecehkan keluargaku, tidak ada satu pun orang yang peduli dengan kondisi keluargaku bahkan sanak saudara pun tidak ada yang peduli. Ayahku merupakan orang yang pantang menyerah. Beliau selalu berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk keluarga. Sampai akhirnya kondisi keluargaku jauh lebih baik dan semua kebutuhan baik pangan, sandang dan papan terpenuhi. Setelah keluarga kami tergolong keluarga berada, barulah orang-orang berdatangan. Banyak orang yang mendekati keluargaku. Aku sedih melihat semua itu. Kenapa orang selalu menilai apapun dengan materi. Kenapa orang kaya selalu menganggap rendah orang miskin. Aku sedih kenapa orang miskin selalu tertindas. Padahal Roda kehidupan tuh berputar, tidak selamanya kita berada diatas, dan tidak selamanya kita berada dibawah. Maka bagi orang kaya janganlah sombong, liatlah orang yang ada dibawah kita, jangan menghina mereka, harta merupakan titipan sementara dari ALLAH SWT. Harta tidak dibawa mati.
Cerita tentang tempat tinggal ku
Lucu deh daerah tempat tinggalku. Satu kawasan khusus untuk pabrik dan satu kawasan lagi untuk pertanian. Ditanami padi dan sayur-sayuran seperti sawi, kangkung, dll. Aneh ya. Anehnya lagi Pertaniannya berjalan dengan baik, padahal disekitarnya kawasan pabrik yang identik dengan limbah yang berbahaya.
Tumben banget malam ini didaerah ku tepatnya tangerang jl. garuda batu jaya hujan lebat. Belum pernah Hujan sebesar ini. sekalinya hujan paling cuma grimis. Coba aja hujannya rutin enak kali ya. Polusi sekiranya akan berkurang.
Versi Inggris
Factors That Encourage More People Choosing Public Transportation Motorcycles Compared
Public transport in Jakarta include the Bus, Metromini, Bajaj, Train, Taxi, etc. When we talk about public transport must be crossing his mind is crowded, hot, jam, lots of singers, many pickpockets, often late, and like speeding. In the midst of the anxiety of public transport users, most people prefer to use a motorbike than public transport.
Public transport does not provide security and comfort to passengers. The speeding driver who likes to meet deposit a predetermined target vehicle owners to make the passengers feel uncomfortable and reluctant to travel using public transport. Number of singers are also making the passengers feel uncomfortable. Plus many pickpockets make the passengers feel unsafe.
Cost efficiency is another factor that makes people prefer to use a motorcycle, for example if we wanted to travel Grogol-Depok, using Express Bus AC, then the costs incurred for back and forth Grogol-Depok Rp 12000.00, whereas if we use of motorcycles, with petrol worth USD $ 12 000 we can use to two days' journey Grogol-Depok.
Buying and selling motorcycles very easily also another factor that makes people prefer to use public transport compared to motorcycles. Only an advance payment of about Rp 500,000 each person can have a motorcycle.
If public transportation service is better, the price may be affordable, and the capacity of public transport a lot, people will look to use public transport. If we use our public transport contribute in reducing pollution in the city of Jakarta area.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia
Faktor Yang Mendorong Masyarakat Lebih Memilih Sepeda motor Dibanding Transportasi Umum
Transportasi umum di Jakarta meliputi Bus, Metromini, Bajaj, Kereta, Taxi, Bemo, dan lain-lain. Bila kita bicara tentang transportasi umum pasti terbayang dalam pikiran adalah sesak, panas, macet, banyak pengamen, banyak copet, sering telat, dan suka ngebut. Di tengah rasa cemas para pengguna transportasi umum, sebagian masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan sepeda motor dibanding transportasi umum.
Angkutan umum tidak memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan kepada para penumpang. Para sopir yang suka mengebut untuk memenuhi target setoran yang telah ditetapkan pemilik kendaraan membuat para penumpang merasa tidak nyaman dan enggan berpergian menggunakan transportasi umum. Banyaknya pengamen juga membuat para penumpang merasa tidak nyaman. Ditambah lagi banyaknya copet membuat para penumpang merasa tidak aman.
Efisiensi biaya merupakan faktor lain yang membuat masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan sepeda motor, misalnya jika kita ingin melakukan perjalanan Grogol-Depok, dengan menggunakan Bus Patas AC, maka biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk bolak-balik Grogol-Depok sebesar Rp 12.000,00, sedangkan jika kita menggunakan sepeda motor, dengan bensin senilai Rp 12.000 dapat kita gunakan untuk 2 hari perjalanan Grogol-Depok.
Jual beli sepeda motor yang sangat mudah juga merupakan faktor lain yang membuat masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan sepeda motor disbanding transportasi umum. Hanya membayar uang muka sekitar Rp 500.000 setiap orang dapat memiliki sepeda motor.
Jika pelayanan transportasi umum lebih baik, harganya dapat terjangkau, dan kapasitas transportasi umum banyak, masyarakat akan kembali menggunakan transportasi umum. Jika kita menggunakan transportasi umum kita ikut andil dalam mengurangi polusi dikota jakarta ini.
Factors That Encourage More People Choosing Public Transportation Motorcycles Compared
Public transport in Jakarta include the Bus, Metromini, Bajaj, Train, Taxi, etc. When we talk about public transport must be crossing his mind is crowded, hot, jam, lots of singers, many pickpockets, often late, and like speeding. In the midst of the anxiety of public transport users, most people prefer to use a motorbike than public transport.
Public transport does not provide security and comfort to passengers. The speeding driver who likes to meet deposit a predetermined target vehicle owners to make the passengers feel uncomfortable and reluctant to travel using public transport. Number of singers are also making the passengers feel uncomfortable. Plus many pickpockets make the passengers feel unsafe.
Cost efficiency is another factor that makes people prefer to use a motorcycle, for example if we wanted to travel Grogol-Depok, using Express Bus AC, then the costs incurred for back and forth Grogol-Depok Rp 12000.00, whereas if we use of motorcycles, with petrol worth USD $ 12 000 we can use to two days' journey Grogol-Depok.
Buying and selling motorcycles very easily also another factor that makes people prefer to use public transport compared to motorcycles. Only an advance payment of about Rp 500,000 each person can have a motorcycle.
If public transportation service is better, the price may be affordable, and the capacity of public transport a lot, people will look to use public transport. If we use our public transport contribute in reducing pollution in the city of Jakarta area.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia
Faktor Yang Mendorong Masyarakat Lebih Memilih Sepeda motor Dibanding Transportasi Umum
Transportasi umum di Jakarta meliputi Bus, Metromini, Bajaj, Kereta, Taxi, Bemo, dan lain-lain. Bila kita bicara tentang transportasi umum pasti terbayang dalam pikiran adalah sesak, panas, macet, banyak pengamen, banyak copet, sering telat, dan suka ngebut. Di tengah rasa cemas para pengguna transportasi umum, sebagian masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan sepeda motor dibanding transportasi umum.
Angkutan umum tidak memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan kepada para penumpang. Para sopir yang suka mengebut untuk memenuhi target setoran yang telah ditetapkan pemilik kendaraan membuat para penumpang merasa tidak nyaman dan enggan berpergian menggunakan transportasi umum. Banyaknya pengamen juga membuat para penumpang merasa tidak nyaman. Ditambah lagi banyaknya copet membuat para penumpang merasa tidak aman.
Efisiensi biaya merupakan faktor lain yang membuat masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan sepeda motor, misalnya jika kita ingin melakukan perjalanan Grogol-Depok, dengan menggunakan Bus Patas AC, maka biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk bolak-balik Grogol-Depok sebesar Rp 12.000,00, sedangkan jika kita menggunakan sepeda motor, dengan bensin senilai Rp 12.000 dapat kita gunakan untuk 2 hari perjalanan Grogol-Depok.
Jual beli sepeda motor yang sangat mudah juga merupakan faktor lain yang membuat masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan sepeda motor disbanding transportasi umum. Hanya membayar uang muka sekitar Rp 500.000 setiap orang dapat memiliki sepeda motor.
Jika pelayanan transportasi umum lebih baik, harganya dapat terjangkau, dan kapasitas transportasi umum banyak, masyarakat akan kembali menggunakan transportasi umum. Jika kita menggunakan transportasi umum kita ikut andil dalam mengurangi polusi dikota jakarta ini.
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Cerita Lucu
2 minggu yang lalu aku pergi ke pantai bersama Ibu dan kedua adikku. Disana kami bersenang-senang ria. Beberapa jam kemudian kami ketempat makan. Ibuku memesan ikan bakar. Beberapa menit kemudian pelayan pun datang mengantar makanan yang Ibuku pesan. Pelayan bertanya kepada Ibuku " Mau minum apa Bu?". Ibuku menjawab " Es teh manis 4 ya mba". Pelayan menanyakan kembali"Make es apa ga Bu?". Adikku yang masih SD pun menjawab "Ya make es lah mba, kan Ibu saya mesennya es teh manis, gimana c mba". Pelayan itu tersenyum malu, mendengar jawaban dari adikku. Aku, Ibu, dan kedua adikku tertawa mengingat pertanyaan bodoh yang terlontar dari mulut pelayan itu.
Minggu lalu ada kejadian lucu. Aku diajak Ibuku pergi ke Bank, namun aku ditinggal ibuku naek motor. Ibuku tidak sadar kalau aku belum naik motor. Padahal aq ud memanggilnya, namun Ibuku tidak mendengar dan tidak sadar klo aku belum naik motor tersebut. Aku pun bingung apa yang terjadi dengan Ibuku. Mungkin Ibuku sedang melamun. Dijalan Ibuku akhirnya tersadar dan melihat dikaca ternyata aku tidak ada dibelakang. Setelah selesai menabung. Ibuku pun pulang. Sesampainya dirumah ibuku langsung tertawa, dan berkata "Kamu gimana sih Ibu tadi naek motor sendiri,pantas saja ibu ajak ngomong kamu diem aja". Aku pun tertawa terbahak-bahak, dan berkata "Ibu ngelamun ya??aku belum naik ibu sudah langsung pergi aja, dan aku panggil ibu diam saja".
Pendidikan di Panguragan Kota Cirebon
Ternyata pendidikan di kota jauh lebih baik dibanding didesa. Dikota dari SD bahkan TK sudah mengenal teknologi komputer, tp didesa tepat didaerah panguragan kota cirebon tempat kelahiran orang tuaku, SD belum mendapat pelajaran komputer. Hal ini sangat memprihatinkan. Seharusnya pemerintah kota cirebon tidak tinggal diam melihat kondisi seperti itu.
Kamis, 20 Mei 2010
wanita idaman laki-laki
Kita harus belajar masak sedini mungkin supaya saat kita nikah nanti bisa disayang suami. Wanita yang bisa masak adalah idaman laki-laki...
Penilaian ALLAH terhadap umatnya
ALLAH SWT menilai umatnya bukan dari nilainya tapi usahanya. Tapi kenapa ya manusia menilai manusia lain justru dari nilainya bukan dari usahanya?????
Wanita yang baik
Seorang wanita yang baik harus bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, seperti memasak, mencuci baju, mencuci piring dan beres-beres rumah, karena setelah nikah nanti kita jadi pembantu untuk suami kita dan untuk anak-anak kita, dalam artian kita harus bisa melayani suami dan anak-anak kita.
Bosen deh hampir setiap sinetron ada cerita ilang ingatan, kenapa sih mesti seperti itu. kan bosen juga hampir setiap sinetron ada cerita ilang ingatan. Coba cerita lain donk!!!!!
Pengalaman ku
Ketika mengerjakan Penulisan ilmiah, rambut ku rontok sangat parah, mungkin karena stress dalam mengerjakan PI. Barub dipegang saja rambutku sudah rontok banyak. Apalagi disisir rontoknya sangat banyak. Aq langsung mencoba berbagai macam produk untuk mengatasi kerontokan rambutku namun hasilnya nihil. Sampai akhirnya aku mencoba memakai Shampo Sunsilk Hair Fall Solution + conditioner + Sunsilk Treatment Hair Fall Solution + Hair Growth Serum dari Rudi Hadi Suwarno, hasilnya sangat memuaskan sekali rambutku tidak rontok lagi dan lebih lebat.
Cinta tulus seorang istri terhadap suaminya
Ada sepasang suami istri yang sudah bertahun-tahun tidak dikarunia seorang anak. Sang istri merasa dirinya tidak berguna karena tidak bisa memberikan anak untuk suaminya. ketulusan cinta sang istri terhadap suami membuat sang istri rela untuk diduakan/dimadu. Sang istri rela berbagi cinta dengan wanita lain, demi kebahagiaan sang suami.
Pengkhususan Jalan
Menurut saya kemacetan terjadi karena kesemrawutan pengguna jalan dalam menggunakan jalan. Seandainya saja ada pengkhususan jalan untuk pengendara motor seperti layaknya pengkususan jalan untuk busway, mungkin tingkat kemacetan di jakarta dan sekitarnya akan berkurang.
Setiap ujan deras di seberang jalan mie margonda selalu banjir. Anehnya hanya dijalan tersebut yang banjir, dijalan lain tidak. Mungkin karena tidak adanya saluran pembuangan airnya atau saluran airnya yang tidak lancar. Hal itu sangat mengganggu orang yang sedang menunggu bus atau angkot dihalte dekat jalan tersebut, cipratan air dari pengendara motor dan mobil mengenai orang yang berada di halte tersebut.
Cinta membuat orang lupa segalanya
Cinta membuat orang lupa segalanya.Cinta juga bisa membuat orang lupa akan keluarga dan cinta membuat orang lupa akan kewajibannya.
Ada seorang gadis yang bernama Lia. Lia jatuh cinta kepada seorang pria yang bernama Raul. Lia sangat mencintai Raul. Cinta Lia kepada Raul melebihi apapun. Bahkan melebihi cintanya kepada kedua orang tuanya.
Sewaktu ketika Lia mengajak Raul kerumahnya dengan maksud untuk memperkenalkan Raul kepada orang tuanya. Pertama kali bertemu dengan Raul, orang tua Lia beranggapan kalau Raul adalah lelaki yang tidak baik, karena penampilannya yang tidak sopan. Raul memakai anting,kalung, gelang, dan memakai celana robek-robek layaknya seperti preman.
Sejak saat itu orang tua Lia tidak merestui hubungan Lia dengan Raul. Lia pun tidak pernah mendengar kata-kata orang tuanya. Lia tetap menjalin hubungan dengan Raul tanpa memperdulikan kata-kata orang tuanya.
Saat itu tepatnya malam minggu Raul datang kerumah Lia untuk mengajak Lia jalan-jalan ke mall. Raul datang dengan penampilan lebih rapi dibanding saat pertama kali dia datang. Meskipun penampilan Raul sudah jauh lebih rapi, tapi orang tua Lia tetap tidak merestui hubungan Lia dengan Raul.Raul pun meminta izin kepada orang tua Lia untuk mengajak Lia jalan-jalan ke mall. Dengan sangat terpaksa orang tua Lia mengizinkannya karena Lia memaksa tetap pergi. Lia dan Raul pun pergi ke mall. Tanpa sengaja Raul meninggalkan tasnya dirumah Lia. Raul tersadar ketika sudah sampai di mall. Orang tua Lia melihat isi tas Raul yang tetinggal. Ternyata didalam tasnya terdapat kondom dan rokok. Ternyata dugaan orang tua Lia selama ini benar. Ayahnya langsung menelpon Lia untuk segera pulang. Dengan nada sedikit membentak Ayahnya menyuruh Lia segera pulang. Akhirnya Lia pun segera pulang bersama Raul. Sesampai dirumah Raul diusir oleh orang tua Lia. Raul pun segera pulang. Lia sangat marah dengan perbuatan orang tuanya yang telah mengusir Raul. Pertengkaran hebat terjadi malam itu. Orang tua Lia mengusir Lia karena Lia berlaku tidak sopan kepada orang tuanya. Lia pun pergi kerumah temannya yang tinggal didaerah dekat rumah Raul. Lia pun menceritakan masalah tersebut kepada temannya.
Hari minggu Lia datang kerumah Raul tanpa bicara dulu ke Raul. Saat itu Raul sedang bermesraan dengan wanita lain. Lia marah melihat semua itu. Lia menampar Raul dan wanita itu. Kata-kata kasar pun terlontar dari mulut Lia. Pertengkaran hebat terjadi saat itu.
Akhirnya Lia menyesal dengan semua kejadian itu. Dia menyesal tidak mendengar kata-kata orang tuanya, dan dia menyesal sudah kasar kepada orang tuanya demi cinta.
Ada seorang gadis yang bernama Lia. Lia jatuh cinta kepada seorang pria yang bernama Raul. Lia sangat mencintai Raul. Cinta Lia kepada Raul melebihi apapun. Bahkan melebihi cintanya kepada kedua orang tuanya.
Sewaktu ketika Lia mengajak Raul kerumahnya dengan maksud untuk memperkenalkan Raul kepada orang tuanya. Pertama kali bertemu dengan Raul, orang tua Lia beranggapan kalau Raul adalah lelaki yang tidak baik, karena penampilannya yang tidak sopan. Raul memakai anting,kalung, gelang, dan memakai celana robek-robek layaknya seperti preman.
Sejak saat itu orang tua Lia tidak merestui hubungan Lia dengan Raul. Lia pun tidak pernah mendengar kata-kata orang tuanya. Lia tetap menjalin hubungan dengan Raul tanpa memperdulikan kata-kata orang tuanya.
Saat itu tepatnya malam minggu Raul datang kerumah Lia untuk mengajak Lia jalan-jalan ke mall. Raul datang dengan penampilan lebih rapi dibanding saat pertama kali dia datang. Meskipun penampilan Raul sudah jauh lebih rapi, tapi orang tua Lia tetap tidak merestui hubungan Lia dengan Raul.Raul pun meminta izin kepada orang tua Lia untuk mengajak Lia jalan-jalan ke mall. Dengan sangat terpaksa orang tua Lia mengizinkannya karena Lia memaksa tetap pergi. Lia dan Raul pun pergi ke mall. Tanpa sengaja Raul meninggalkan tasnya dirumah Lia. Raul tersadar ketika sudah sampai di mall. Orang tua Lia melihat isi tas Raul yang tetinggal. Ternyata didalam tasnya terdapat kondom dan rokok. Ternyata dugaan orang tua Lia selama ini benar. Ayahnya langsung menelpon Lia untuk segera pulang. Dengan nada sedikit membentak Ayahnya menyuruh Lia segera pulang. Akhirnya Lia pun segera pulang bersama Raul. Sesampai dirumah Raul diusir oleh orang tua Lia. Raul pun segera pulang. Lia sangat marah dengan perbuatan orang tuanya yang telah mengusir Raul. Pertengkaran hebat terjadi malam itu. Orang tua Lia mengusir Lia karena Lia berlaku tidak sopan kepada orang tuanya. Lia pun pergi kerumah temannya yang tinggal didaerah dekat rumah Raul. Lia pun menceritakan masalah tersebut kepada temannya.
Hari minggu Lia datang kerumah Raul tanpa bicara dulu ke Raul. Saat itu Raul sedang bermesraan dengan wanita lain. Lia marah melihat semua itu. Lia menampar Raul dan wanita itu. Kata-kata kasar pun terlontar dari mulut Lia. Pertengkaran hebat terjadi saat itu.
Akhirnya Lia menyesal dengan semua kejadian itu. Dia menyesal tidak mendengar kata-kata orang tuanya, dan dia menyesal sudah kasar kepada orang tuanya demi cinta.
Jumat, 14 Mei 2010
Complain Letter
Jln Batu Jaya
Tangerang 15121
18 Mei 2010
The manager
PT.Jaya Taxi
Dear Sir,
I'd like to complain of yous service to me as a customer. I think it is very important for your benefit.
8 Mei 2010, I took your taxi to go to my relative. I was very disappointed in the driver's behaviour. He did not use the argometer. He charged me more than the normal fare. When I complained he spoke so rudely that I felt ashamed. Fortunately, my relative helped me pay the charge.
I hope that this will attract your attention and make sure that it will not happen anymore.
Your sincerely,
Tangerang 15121
18 Mei 2010
The manager
PT.Jaya Taxi
Dear Sir,
I'd like to complain of yous service to me as a customer. I think it is very important for your benefit.
8 Mei 2010, I took your taxi to go to my relative. I was very disappointed in the driver's behaviour. He did not use the argometer. He charged me more than the normal fare. When I complained he spoke so rudely that I felt ashamed. Fortunately, my relative helped me pay the charge.
I hope that this will attract your attention and make sure that it will not happen anymore.
Your sincerely,
Rabu, 12 Mei 2010
Tangerang, May 10, 2010
Commercial Duta Garden Square Blok E No.10
State Jl.Husein Literature
Dear Sir,
On May 7th, 2010, I bought a nokia phone in your store. Product description as follows: type E63, red color, is the product serial number 351,502,042,438,572.
I am disappointed that this product does not work properly.
Fordward I saw your reply and a resolution of my problems, and will wait until the end of the month before seeking help from consumer protection agency or Better Business Bureau. Please contact me by phone 02155794355
Commercial Duta Garden Square Blok E No.10
State Jl.Husein Literature
Dear Sir,
On May 7th, 2010, I bought a nokia phone in your store. Product description as follows: type E63, red color, is the product serial number 351,502,042,438,572.
I am disappointed that this product does not work properly.
Fordward I saw your reply and a resolution of my problems, and will wait until the end of the month before seeking help from consumer protection agency or Better Business Bureau. Please contact me by phone 02155794355
Rabu, 05 Mei 2010
Uji Kualitas Data
Penelitian yang mengukur variabel dengan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner harus dilakukan pengujian kualitas terhadap data yang diperoleh. Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah instrumen yang digunakan valid dan reliable sebab kebenaran data yang diolah sangat menentukan kualitas hasil penelitian.
a. Uji Validitas
Uji validitas digunakan untuk mengukur sah atau valid tidaknya suatu kuesioner. Suatu kuesioner dikatakan valid jika pertanyaan pada kuesioner mempu untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang akan diukur oleh kuesioner tersebut. Pengujian validitas ini menggunakan Pearson Correlation yaitu dengan cara menghitung korelasi antara skor masing-masing butir pertanyaan dengan total skor. Jika korelasi antara skor masing-masing butir pertanyaan dengan total skor mempunyai tingkat signifikansi di bawah 0,05 maka butir pertanyaan tersebut dinyatakan valid dan sebaliknya (Ghozali, 2009:49).
b. Uji Reliabilitas
Uji reliabilitas data adalah suatu uji yang dilakukan untuk mengukur suatu kuesioner yang merupakan indikator dari suatu variabel atau konstruk. Suatu kuesioner dikatakan reliable atau handal jika jawaban seseorang dalam kuesioner konsisten atau stabil dari waktu ke waktu. Suatu kuesioner dikatakan relaibel atau handal jika memberikan nilai cronbach alpha di atas 0,6 (Ghozali, 2009:45).
Penelitian yang mengukur variabel dengan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner harus dilakukan pengujian kualitas terhadap data yang diperoleh. Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah instrumen yang digunakan valid dan reliable sebab kebenaran data yang diolah sangat menentukan kualitas hasil penelitian.
a. Uji Validitas
Uji validitas digunakan untuk mengukur sah atau valid tidaknya suatu kuesioner. Suatu kuesioner dikatakan valid jika pertanyaan pada kuesioner mempu untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang akan diukur oleh kuesioner tersebut. Pengujian validitas ini menggunakan Pearson Correlation yaitu dengan cara menghitung korelasi antara skor masing-masing butir pertanyaan dengan total skor. Jika korelasi antara skor masing-masing butir pertanyaan dengan total skor mempunyai tingkat signifikansi di bawah 0,05 maka butir pertanyaan tersebut dinyatakan valid dan sebaliknya (Ghozali, 2009:49).
b. Uji Reliabilitas
Uji reliabilitas data adalah suatu uji yang dilakukan untuk mengukur suatu kuesioner yang merupakan indikator dari suatu variabel atau konstruk. Suatu kuesioner dikatakan reliable atau handal jika jawaban seseorang dalam kuesioner konsisten atau stabil dari waktu ke waktu. Suatu kuesioner dikatakan relaibel atau handal jika memberikan nilai cronbach alpha di atas 0,6 (Ghozali, 2009:45).
Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Kuesioner
Kuesioner adalah teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara mengirimkan suatu daftar pertanyaan kepada responden untuk diisi. Ada dua macam kuesioner yaitu kuesioner terbuka dan kuesioner tertutup. Kuesioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner tertutup, yang artinya adalah kuesioner yang pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dituliskan telah disediakan jawaban dalam bentuk pilihan, sehingga responden hanya memilih salah satu jawaban yang telah disediakan. Kuesioner tersebut akan dibagikan kepada sampel pemilik UKM eksportir kerajinan tas di Bogor.
2. Wawancara
Wawancara berarti melakukan Tanya jawab secara langsung dengan pihak-pihak terkait. Wawancara adalah salah satu cara pengumpulan data dengan adanya pertemuan dua orang untuk bertukar informasi dan ide melalui tanya jawab (Sugiyono, 2008:410). Wawancara ini dilakukan pada sampel pemilik UKM eksportir kerajinan tas di Bogor.
3. Studi Kepustakaan
Studi kepustakaan merupakan suatu metode pengumpulan data dengan membaca dan mempelajari buku-buku literature, jurnal-jurnal yang berhubungan dengan penelitian yang sedang penulis lakukan
Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Kuesioner
Kuesioner adalah teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara mengirimkan suatu daftar pertanyaan kepada responden untuk diisi. Ada dua macam kuesioner yaitu kuesioner terbuka dan kuesioner tertutup. Kuesioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner tertutup, yang artinya adalah kuesioner yang pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dituliskan telah disediakan jawaban dalam bentuk pilihan, sehingga responden hanya memilih salah satu jawaban yang telah disediakan. Kuesioner tersebut akan dibagikan kepada sampel pemilik UKM eksportir kerajinan tas di Bogor.
2. Wawancara
Wawancara berarti melakukan Tanya jawab secara langsung dengan pihak-pihak terkait. Wawancara adalah salah satu cara pengumpulan data dengan adanya pertemuan dua orang untuk bertukar informasi dan ide melalui tanya jawab (Sugiyono, 2008:410). Wawancara ini dilakukan pada sampel pemilik UKM eksportir kerajinan tas di Bogor.
3. Studi Kepustakaan
Studi kepustakaan merupakan suatu metode pengumpulan data dengan membaca dan mempelajari buku-buku literature, jurnal-jurnal yang berhubungan dengan penelitian yang sedang penulis lakukan
Pengertian Perilaku Konsumen
Perilaku konsumen menyangkut masalah keputusan yang diambil seseorang
dalam persaingannya dan penentuan untuk mendapatkan dan mempergunakan barang dan jasa.
Swastha dan Handoko (2000:10) mengatakan:
Perilaku konsumen (consumer behavior) dapat didefinisikan sebagai kegiatan-kegiatan individu yang secara langsung terlibat dalam mendapatkan dan mempergunakan barang-barang dan jasa-jasa, termasuk didalamnya proses pengambilan keputusan pada persiapan dan menentukan kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu.
Dari pengertian di atas maka perilaku konsumen merupakan tindakan-tindakan dan hubungan sosial yang dilakukan oleh konsumen perorangan, kelompok maupun organisasi untuk menilai, memperoleh dan menggunakan barang-barang serta jasa melalui proses pertukaran atau pembelian yang diawali dengan proses pengambilan keputusan yang menentukan tindakan-tindakan tersebut.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen
Menurut Kotler (2001:144):
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen adalah kebudayaan, faktor sosial, pribadi, psikologis. Sebagian faktor-faktor tersebut tidak diperhatikan oleh pemasar tetapi sebenarnya harus diperhitungkan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh faktor-faktor perilaku konsumen tersebut mempengaruhi pembelian konsumen.
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkah Laku Konsumen :
a. Faktor kebudayaan
Kebudayaan merupakan penentu keinginan dan perilaku yang paling mendasar untuk mendapatkan nilai, persepsi, preferensi dan perilaku dari lembaga-lembaga penting lainnya.
b. Faktor sosial
Kelas sosial merupakan pembagian masyarakat yang relatif homogen dan permanen yang tersusun secara hierarkis dan yang anggotanya menganut nilai-nilai, minat, dan perilaku yang serupa.
c. Faktor pribadi
Faktor pribadi didefinisikan sebagai karakteristik psikologis seseorang yang berbeda dengan orang lain yang menyebabkan tanggapan yang relatif konsisten dan bertahan lama terhadap lingkungan.
d. Faktor psikologis
Faktor psikologis sebagai bagian dari pengaruh lingkungan dimana ia tinggal dan hidup pada waktu sekarang tanpa mengabaikan pengaruh dimasa lampau atau antisipasinya pada waktu yang akan datang.
Peran Konsumen Dalam Membeli
Menurut Engel (2000:31) Keputusan pembelian adalah proses merumuskan berbagai alternatif tindakan guna menjatuhkan pilihan pada salah satu alternatif tertentu untuk melakukan pembelian.
Pemasar perlu mengetahui siapa yang terlibat dalam keputusan membeli dan peran apa yang dimainkan oleh setiap orang untuk banyak produk, cukup mudah untuk mengenali siapa yang mengambil keputusan.
Menurut Engel (2000:33) beberapa peran dalam keputusan membeli:
a. Pemrakarsa orang yang pertama menyarankan atau mencetuskan gagasan membeli produk atau jasa tertentu.
b. Pemberi pengaruh: orang yang pandangan atau sarannya mempengaruhi keputusan membeli.
c. Pengambil keputusan : orang yang akhirnya membuat keputusan membeli atau sebagian dari itu, apakah akan membeli, apa yang dibeli, bagaimana membelinya atau di mana membeli.
d. Pembeli : orang yang benar-benar melakukan pembelian
e. Pengguna : orang yang mengkonsumsi atau menggunakan produk atau jasa.
Mengetahui peserta utama proses pembelian dan peran yang mereka mainkan membantu pemasar untuk menyesuaikan program pemasaran.
Jenis-jenis tingkah laku keputusan pembelian
Semakin kompleks keputusan yang harus diambil biasanya semakin banyak pertimbangannya untuk membeli. Menurut (Kotler, 2000:160): adapun jenis-jenis tingkah laku membeli konsumen berdasarkan pada derajat keterlibatan dan tingkat perbedaan antara merek, yaitu:
a. tingkah laku membeli yang komplek.
b. tingkah laku membeli yang mengurangi ketidakcocokan.
c. tingkah laku membeli yang mencari variasi.
d. tingkah laku membeli yang menjadi kebiasaan.
Penjelasan jenis-jenis tingkah laku tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Tingkah laku membeli yang kompleks
Tingkah laku membeli konsumen dalam situasi yang bercirikan keterlibatan tinggi konsumen dalam pembelian dan perbedaan besar yang dirasakan diantara merek. Pembeli ini akan melewati proses pembelajaran, pertama mengembangkan keyakinan mengenai produk, kemudian sikap, dan selanjutnya membuat pilihan membeli yang dipikirkan masak-masak. Pemasar dari produk yang banyak melibatkan peserta harus memahami tingkah laku pengumpulan informasi dan evaluasi dari konsumen yang amat terlibat. Mereka perlu membantu pembeli belajar mengenai atribut kelas produk dan kepentingan relatif masing-masing, dan mengenai apa yang ditawarkan merk tertentu, mungkin dengan menguraikan panjang lebar keunggulan mereka lewat media cetak.
b. Tingkah laku membeli yang mengurangi ketidakcocokan
Tingkah laku membeli konsumen dalam situasi yang bercirikan keterlibatan konsumen yang tinggi tetapi sedikit perbedaan yang dirasakan diantara merek. Tingkah laku membeli yang mengurangi ketidakcocokan terjadi ketika konsumen amat terlibat dalam pembelian barang yang mahal, jarang dibeli dan beresiko tetapi melihat sedikit perbedaan diantara merek.
c. Tingkah laku membeli yang merupakan kebiasaan
Tingkah laku membeli yang menjadi kebiasaan terjadi di bawah kondisi keterlibatan konsumen yang rendah dan perbedaan merek yang dirasakan besar. Konsumen tampaknya mempunyai keterlibatan yang rendah dengan kebanyakan produk yang mempunyai harga murah dan sering dibeli.
Dalam hal ini, tingkah laku konsumen tidak diteruskan lewat urutan keyakinan sikap – tingkah laku yang biasa. Konsumen tidak mencari informasi secara ekstensif mengenai merek mana yang akan dibeli. Sebaliknya, mereka secara pasif menerima informasi ketika menonton televisi atau membaca majalah. Pengulangan iklan menciptakan pengenalan akan merek bukan keyakinan pada merek. Konsumen tidak membentuk sikap yang kuat terhadap suatu merek; mereka memilih merek karena sudah dikenal. Karena keterlibatan mereka dengan produk tidak tinggi, konsumen mungkin tidak mengevaluasi pilihan bahkan setelah membeli. Jadi, proses membeli melibatkan keyakinan merek yang terbentuk oleh pembelajaran pasif, diikuti dengan tingkah laku membeli, yang mungkin diikuti atau tidak dengan evaluasi.
Karena pembeli tidak memberikan komitmen yang kuat pada suatu merek, pemasar produk yang kurang terlibat pada beberapa perbedaan merek seringkali menggunakan harga dan promosi penjualan untuk merangsang konsumen agar mau mencoba produk.
d. Tingkah laku membeli yang mencari variasi
Konsumen menjalani tingkah laku membeli yang mencari variasi dalam situasi yang ditandai oleh keterlibatan konsumen rendah, tetapi perbedaan merk dianggap berarti. Dalam kategori produk seperti ini, strategi pemasaran mungkin berbeda untuk merk yang menjadi pemimpin pasar dan untuk merk yang kurang ternama. Perusahaan akan mendorong pencarian variasi dengan menawarkan harga rendah, penawaran khusus, kupon, sampel gratis, dan iklan yang menunjukkan alasan untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru.
Proses Keputusan Membeli
Menurut (Kotler, 2000:204) tahap-tahap yang dilewati pembeli untuk mencapai keputusan membeli melewati lima tahap, yaitu:
a. Pengenalan Masalah
b. Pencarian Informasi
c. Evaluasi alternatif
d. Keputusan Membeli
e. Tingkah laku pasca pembelian.
Adapun penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Pengenalan masalah
Proses membeli dimulai dengan pengenalan masalah dimana pembeli mengenali adanya masalah atau kebutuhan. Pembeli merasakan perbedaan antara keadaan nyata dan keadaan yang diinginkan.
b. Pencarian informasi
Seorang konsumen yang sudah terkait mungkin mencari lebih banyak informasi tetapi mungkin juga tidak. Bila dorongan konsumen kuat dan produk yang dapat memuaskan ada dalam jangkauan, konsumen kemungkinan akan membelinya. Bila tidak, konsumen dapat menyimpan kebutuhan dalam ingatan atau melakukan pencarian informasi yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan tersebut.
Pengaruh relatif dari sumber informasi ini bervariasi menurut produk dan pembeli. Pada umumnya, konsumen menerima sebagian besar informasi mengenai suatu produk dari sumber komersial, yang dikendalikan oleh pemasar. Akan tetapi, sumber paling efektif cenderung sumber pribadi. Sumber pribadi tampaknya bahkan lebih penting dalam mempengaruhi pembelian jasa. Sumber komersial biasanya memberitahu pembeli, tetapi sumber pribadi membenarkan atau mengevaluasi produk bagi pembeli. Misalnya, dokter pada umumnya belajar mengenai obat baru cari sumber komersial, tetapi bertanya kepada dokter lain untuk informasi yang evaluatif.
c. Evaluasi alternatif
Tahap dari proses keputusan membeli, yaitu ketika konsumen menggunakan informasi untuk mengevaluasi merk alternatif dalam perangkat pilihan. Konsep dasar tertentu membantu menjelaskan proses evaluasi konsumen. Pertama, kita menganggap bahwa setiap konsumen melihat produk sebagai kumpulan atribut produk. Kedua, konsumen akan memberikan tingkat arti penting berbeda terhadap atribut berbeda menurut kebutuhan dan keinginan unik masing-masing. Ketiga, konsumen mungkin akan mengembangkan satu himpunan keyakinan merek mengenai dimana posisi setiap merek pada setiap atribut. Keempat, harapan kepuasan produk total konsumen akan bervariasi pada tingkat atribut yang berbeda. Kelima, konsumen sampai pada sikap terhadap merek berbeda lewat beberapa prosedur evaluasi. Ada konsumen yang menggunakan lebih dari satu prosedur evaluasi, tergantung pada konsumen dan keputusan pembelian.
Bagaimana konsumen mengevaluasi alternatif barang yang akan dibeli tergantung pada masing-masing individu dan situasi membeli spesifik. Dalam beberapa keadaan, konsumen menggunakan perhitungan dengan cermat dan pemikiran logis. Pada waktu lain, konsumen yang sama hanya sedikit mengevaluasi atau tidak sama sekali; mereka membeli berdasarkan dorongan sesaat atau tergantung pada intuisi. Kadang-kadang konsumen mengambil keputusan membeli sendiri; kadang-kadang mereka bertanya pada teman, petunjuk bagi konsumen, atau wiraniaga untuk memberi saran pembelian.
Pemasar harus mempelajari pembeli untuk mengetahui bagaimana sebenarnya mereka mengevaluasi alternatif merek. Bila mereka mengetahui proses evaluasi apa yang sedang terjadi, pemasar dapat membuat langkah-langkah untuk mempengaruhi keputusan membeli.
d. Keputusan membeli
Dalam tahap evaluasi, konsumen membuat peringkat merek dan membentuk niat untuk membeli. Pada umumnya, keputusan membeli konsumen adalah membeli merek yang paling disukai, tetapi dua faktor dapat muncul antara niat untuk membeli dan keputusan untuk membeli. Faktor pertama adalah sikap orang lain, yaitu pendapat dari orang lain mengenai harga, merek yang akan dipilih konsumen. Faktor kedua adalah faktor situasi yang tidak diharapkan, harga yang diharapkan dan manfaat produk yang diharapkan. Akan tetapi peristiwa-peristiwa yang tak diharapkan bisa menambah niat pembelian.
e. Tingkah laku pasca pembelian
Tahap dari proses keputusan pembeli, yaitu konsumen mengambil tindakan lebih lanjut setelah membeli berdasarkan pada rasa puas atau tidak puas. Yang menentukan pembeli merasa puas atau tidak puas dengan suatu pembelian terletak pada hubungan antara harapan konsumen dengan prestasi yang diterima dari produk. Bila produk tidak memenuhi harapan, konsumen merasa tidak puas, bila memenuhi harapan konsumen merasa puas, bila melebihi harapan konsumen akan merasa puas.
Konsumen mendasarkan harapan mereka pada informasi yang mereka terima dari penjual, teman dan sumber-sumber yang lain. Bila penjual melebih-lebihkan prestasi produknya, harapan konsumen tidak akan terpenuhi dan hasilnya ketidakpuasan. Semakin besar antara kesenjangan antara harapan dan prestasi, semakin besar ketidakpuasan kosumen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pembeli harus membuat pernyataan yang jujur mengenai prestasi produknya sehingga pembeli akan puas.
Perilaku konsumen menyangkut masalah keputusan yang diambil seseorang
dalam persaingannya dan penentuan untuk mendapatkan dan mempergunakan barang dan jasa.
Swastha dan Handoko (2000:10) mengatakan:
Perilaku konsumen (consumer behavior) dapat didefinisikan sebagai kegiatan-kegiatan individu yang secara langsung terlibat dalam mendapatkan dan mempergunakan barang-barang dan jasa-jasa, termasuk didalamnya proses pengambilan keputusan pada persiapan dan menentukan kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu.
Dari pengertian di atas maka perilaku konsumen merupakan tindakan-tindakan dan hubungan sosial yang dilakukan oleh konsumen perorangan, kelompok maupun organisasi untuk menilai, memperoleh dan menggunakan barang-barang serta jasa melalui proses pertukaran atau pembelian yang diawali dengan proses pengambilan keputusan yang menentukan tindakan-tindakan tersebut.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen
Menurut Kotler (2001:144):
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen adalah kebudayaan, faktor sosial, pribadi, psikologis. Sebagian faktor-faktor tersebut tidak diperhatikan oleh pemasar tetapi sebenarnya harus diperhitungkan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh faktor-faktor perilaku konsumen tersebut mempengaruhi pembelian konsumen.
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkah Laku Konsumen :
a. Faktor kebudayaan
Kebudayaan merupakan penentu keinginan dan perilaku yang paling mendasar untuk mendapatkan nilai, persepsi, preferensi dan perilaku dari lembaga-lembaga penting lainnya.
b. Faktor sosial
Kelas sosial merupakan pembagian masyarakat yang relatif homogen dan permanen yang tersusun secara hierarkis dan yang anggotanya menganut nilai-nilai, minat, dan perilaku yang serupa.
c. Faktor pribadi
Faktor pribadi didefinisikan sebagai karakteristik psikologis seseorang yang berbeda dengan orang lain yang menyebabkan tanggapan yang relatif konsisten dan bertahan lama terhadap lingkungan.
d. Faktor psikologis
Faktor psikologis sebagai bagian dari pengaruh lingkungan dimana ia tinggal dan hidup pada waktu sekarang tanpa mengabaikan pengaruh dimasa lampau atau antisipasinya pada waktu yang akan datang.
Peran Konsumen Dalam Membeli
Menurut Engel (2000:31) Keputusan pembelian adalah proses merumuskan berbagai alternatif tindakan guna menjatuhkan pilihan pada salah satu alternatif tertentu untuk melakukan pembelian.
Pemasar perlu mengetahui siapa yang terlibat dalam keputusan membeli dan peran apa yang dimainkan oleh setiap orang untuk banyak produk, cukup mudah untuk mengenali siapa yang mengambil keputusan.
Menurut Engel (2000:33) beberapa peran dalam keputusan membeli:
a. Pemrakarsa orang yang pertama menyarankan atau mencetuskan gagasan membeli produk atau jasa tertentu.
b. Pemberi pengaruh: orang yang pandangan atau sarannya mempengaruhi keputusan membeli.
c. Pengambil keputusan : orang yang akhirnya membuat keputusan membeli atau sebagian dari itu, apakah akan membeli, apa yang dibeli, bagaimana membelinya atau di mana membeli.
d. Pembeli : orang yang benar-benar melakukan pembelian
e. Pengguna : orang yang mengkonsumsi atau menggunakan produk atau jasa.
Mengetahui peserta utama proses pembelian dan peran yang mereka mainkan membantu pemasar untuk menyesuaikan program pemasaran.
Jenis-jenis tingkah laku keputusan pembelian
Semakin kompleks keputusan yang harus diambil biasanya semakin banyak pertimbangannya untuk membeli. Menurut (Kotler, 2000:160): adapun jenis-jenis tingkah laku membeli konsumen berdasarkan pada derajat keterlibatan dan tingkat perbedaan antara merek, yaitu:
a. tingkah laku membeli yang komplek.
b. tingkah laku membeli yang mengurangi ketidakcocokan.
c. tingkah laku membeli yang mencari variasi.
d. tingkah laku membeli yang menjadi kebiasaan.
Penjelasan jenis-jenis tingkah laku tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Tingkah laku membeli yang kompleks
Tingkah laku membeli konsumen dalam situasi yang bercirikan keterlibatan tinggi konsumen dalam pembelian dan perbedaan besar yang dirasakan diantara merek. Pembeli ini akan melewati proses pembelajaran, pertama mengembangkan keyakinan mengenai produk, kemudian sikap, dan selanjutnya membuat pilihan membeli yang dipikirkan masak-masak. Pemasar dari produk yang banyak melibatkan peserta harus memahami tingkah laku pengumpulan informasi dan evaluasi dari konsumen yang amat terlibat. Mereka perlu membantu pembeli belajar mengenai atribut kelas produk dan kepentingan relatif masing-masing, dan mengenai apa yang ditawarkan merk tertentu, mungkin dengan menguraikan panjang lebar keunggulan mereka lewat media cetak.
b. Tingkah laku membeli yang mengurangi ketidakcocokan
Tingkah laku membeli konsumen dalam situasi yang bercirikan keterlibatan konsumen yang tinggi tetapi sedikit perbedaan yang dirasakan diantara merek. Tingkah laku membeli yang mengurangi ketidakcocokan terjadi ketika konsumen amat terlibat dalam pembelian barang yang mahal, jarang dibeli dan beresiko tetapi melihat sedikit perbedaan diantara merek.
c. Tingkah laku membeli yang merupakan kebiasaan
Tingkah laku membeli yang menjadi kebiasaan terjadi di bawah kondisi keterlibatan konsumen yang rendah dan perbedaan merek yang dirasakan besar. Konsumen tampaknya mempunyai keterlibatan yang rendah dengan kebanyakan produk yang mempunyai harga murah dan sering dibeli.
Dalam hal ini, tingkah laku konsumen tidak diteruskan lewat urutan keyakinan sikap – tingkah laku yang biasa. Konsumen tidak mencari informasi secara ekstensif mengenai merek mana yang akan dibeli. Sebaliknya, mereka secara pasif menerima informasi ketika menonton televisi atau membaca majalah. Pengulangan iklan menciptakan pengenalan akan merek bukan keyakinan pada merek. Konsumen tidak membentuk sikap yang kuat terhadap suatu merek; mereka memilih merek karena sudah dikenal. Karena keterlibatan mereka dengan produk tidak tinggi, konsumen mungkin tidak mengevaluasi pilihan bahkan setelah membeli. Jadi, proses membeli melibatkan keyakinan merek yang terbentuk oleh pembelajaran pasif, diikuti dengan tingkah laku membeli, yang mungkin diikuti atau tidak dengan evaluasi.
Karena pembeli tidak memberikan komitmen yang kuat pada suatu merek, pemasar produk yang kurang terlibat pada beberapa perbedaan merek seringkali menggunakan harga dan promosi penjualan untuk merangsang konsumen agar mau mencoba produk.
d. Tingkah laku membeli yang mencari variasi
Konsumen menjalani tingkah laku membeli yang mencari variasi dalam situasi yang ditandai oleh keterlibatan konsumen rendah, tetapi perbedaan merk dianggap berarti. Dalam kategori produk seperti ini, strategi pemasaran mungkin berbeda untuk merk yang menjadi pemimpin pasar dan untuk merk yang kurang ternama. Perusahaan akan mendorong pencarian variasi dengan menawarkan harga rendah, penawaran khusus, kupon, sampel gratis, dan iklan yang menunjukkan alasan untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru.
Proses Keputusan Membeli
Menurut (Kotler, 2000:204) tahap-tahap yang dilewati pembeli untuk mencapai keputusan membeli melewati lima tahap, yaitu:
a. Pengenalan Masalah
b. Pencarian Informasi
c. Evaluasi alternatif
d. Keputusan Membeli
e. Tingkah laku pasca pembelian.
Adapun penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Pengenalan masalah
Proses membeli dimulai dengan pengenalan masalah dimana pembeli mengenali adanya masalah atau kebutuhan. Pembeli merasakan perbedaan antara keadaan nyata dan keadaan yang diinginkan.
b. Pencarian informasi
Seorang konsumen yang sudah terkait mungkin mencari lebih banyak informasi tetapi mungkin juga tidak. Bila dorongan konsumen kuat dan produk yang dapat memuaskan ada dalam jangkauan, konsumen kemungkinan akan membelinya. Bila tidak, konsumen dapat menyimpan kebutuhan dalam ingatan atau melakukan pencarian informasi yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan tersebut.
Pengaruh relatif dari sumber informasi ini bervariasi menurut produk dan pembeli. Pada umumnya, konsumen menerima sebagian besar informasi mengenai suatu produk dari sumber komersial, yang dikendalikan oleh pemasar. Akan tetapi, sumber paling efektif cenderung sumber pribadi. Sumber pribadi tampaknya bahkan lebih penting dalam mempengaruhi pembelian jasa. Sumber komersial biasanya memberitahu pembeli, tetapi sumber pribadi membenarkan atau mengevaluasi produk bagi pembeli. Misalnya, dokter pada umumnya belajar mengenai obat baru cari sumber komersial, tetapi bertanya kepada dokter lain untuk informasi yang evaluatif.
c. Evaluasi alternatif
Tahap dari proses keputusan membeli, yaitu ketika konsumen menggunakan informasi untuk mengevaluasi merk alternatif dalam perangkat pilihan. Konsep dasar tertentu membantu menjelaskan proses evaluasi konsumen. Pertama, kita menganggap bahwa setiap konsumen melihat produk sebagai kumpulan atribut produk. Kedua, konsumen akan memberikan tingkat arti penting berbeda terhadap atribut berbeda menurut kebutuhan dan keinginan unik masing-masing. Ketiga, konsumen mungkin akan mengembangkan satu himpunan keyakinan merek mengenai dimana posisi setiap merek pada setiap atribut. Keempat, harapan kepuasan produk total konsumen akan bervariasi pada tingkat atribut yang berbeda. Kelima, konsumen sampai pada sikap terhadap merek berbeda lewat beberapa prosedur evaluasi. Ada konsumen yang menggunakan lebih dari satu prosedur evaluasi, tergantung pada konsumen dan keputusan pembelian.
Bagaimana konsumen mengevaluasi alternatif barang yang akan dibeli tergantung pada masing-masing individu dan situasi membeli spesifik. Dalam beberapa keadaan, konsumen menggunakan perhitungan dengan cermat dan pemikiran logis. Pada waktu lain, konsumen yang sama hanya sedikit mengevaluasi atau tidak sama sekali; mereka membeli berdasarkan dorongan sesaat atau tergantung pada intuisi. Kadang-kadang konsumen mengambil keputusan membeli sendiri; kadang-kadang mereka bertanya pada teman, petunjuk bagi konsumen, atau wiraniaga untuk memberi saran pembelian.
Pemasar harus mempelajari pembeli untuk mengetahui bagaimana sebenarnya mereka mengevaluasi alternatif merek. Bila mereka mengetahui proses evaluasi apa yang sedang terjadi, pemasar dapat membuat langkah-langkah untuk mempengaruhi keputusan membeli.
d. Keputusan membeli
Dalam tahap evaluasi, konsumen membuat peringkat merek dan membentuk niat untuk membeli. Pada umumnya, keputusan membeli konsumen adalah membeli merek yang paling disukai, tetapi dua faktor dapat muncul antara niat untuk membeli dan keputusan untuk membeli. Faktor pertama adalah sikap orang lain, yaitu pendapat dari orang lain mengenai harga, merek yang akan dipilih konsumen. Faktor kedua adalah faktor situasi yang tidak diharapkan, harga yang diharapkan dan manfaat produk yang diharapkan. Akan tetapi peristiwa-peristiwa yang tak diharapkan bisa menambah niat pembelian.
e. Tingkah laku pasca pembelian
Tahap dari proses keputusan pembeli, yaitu konsumen mengambil tindakan lebih lanjut setelah membeli berdasarkan pada rasa puas atau tidak puas. Yang menentukan pembeli merasa puas atau tidak puas dengan suatu pembelian terletak pada hubungan antara harapan konsumen dengan prestasi yang diterima dari produk. Bila produk tidak memenuhi harapan, konsumen merasa tidak puas, bila memenuhi harapan konsumen merasa puas, bila melebihi harapan konsumen akan merasa puas.
Konsumen mendasarkan harapan mereka pada informasi yang mereka terima dari penjual, teman dan sumber-sumber yang lain. Bila penjual melebih-lebihkan prestasi produknya, harapan konsumen tidak akan terpenuhi dan hasilnya ketidakpuasan. Semakin besar antara kesenjangan antara harapan dan prestasi, semakin besar ketidakpuasan kosumen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pembeli harus membuat pernyataan yang jujur mengenai prestasi produknya sehingga pembeli akan puas.
Resume artikel "Penyebab Cuaca Jakarta Panas Akhir-akhir Ini".
Penyebab cuaca jakarta akhir-akhir ini panas adalah transisi dari musim hujan ke musim kemarau, dan pengaruh perubahan lingkungan, perubahan lahan hijau menjadi perumahan. Sudah seharusnya kita harus peduli terhadap kondisi lingkungan. Kalau bukan kita siapa lagi yang peduli akan lingkungan.
Source: http://nasional.vivanews.com/news/read/146892-penyebab_cuaca_jakarta_panas_akhir_akhir_ini
Penyebab cuaca jakarta akhir-akhir ini panas adalah transisi dari musim hujan ke musim kemarau, dan pengaruh perubahan lingkungan, perubahan lahan hijau menjadi perumahan. Sudah seharusnya kita harus peduli terhadap kondisi lingkungan. Kalau bukan kita siapa lagi yang peduli akan lingkungan.
Source: http://nasional.vivanews.com/news/read/146892-penyebab_cuaca_jakarta_panas_akhir_akhir_ini
There was life on Mars and Titan?
28 missions NASA is considering the future to help find aliens.
VIVAnews - The existence of extraterrestrials or alien is still unknown. Scientists so far have not found the existence of creatures ET (extra terrestrial) it.
However, they did not surrender. Based on our belief is not alone in the universe, scientists will always make a breakthrough to determine where and how to search for alien life in space missions in the future.
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 ago, scientists gathered in alien search astrobiologi conference in Houston - as well as celebrating 50 years of research astrobiologi.
Scientists say they are still vibrant and courageous to continue to seek another life in the universe. Although renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has warned people not to communicate with aliens.
Hawking said, once we open contact with them, aliens can occupy the earth and suck its resources.
"We are very interested in and prepare to find another form of keidupan universe," said a senior astrobiologis at the headquarters of U.S. Space Agency, NASA, such as pages loaded Space.com, 28 April 2010.
Meanwhile, planetary scientist from Cornell University and researcher on the project of exploration of Mars, Rover, Steve Squyres, said NASA scientists are considering the future of 28 missions that can help find life beyond Earth.
"Astrobiologi and the search for other life is the main thing that we should order suraya kedepankan in future exploration," Squyres said.
A number of robotic missions - sending robots into the solar system, including visiting the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, or even farther than that, through the Milky Way, must be done in the future.
Especially to Titan, Saturn's satellites have lakes of methane and ethane, and Enceladus, with water vapors. Titan looks like a place you can live a life.
NASA Squyres added, also is considering an ambitious mission to Mars that will bring the Red Planet's rock samples to Earth.
"This mission will reveal many things, about whether Mars ever save a life," he said.
Likewise, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, Bill Schopf believes, examples of rocks from Mars or other planets is the key answer to the riddle of life beyond Earth.
"If space missions back tomorrow and take samples of rock, I will bring the stone to the lab. From there, this problem can be solved," said Schopf.
Schopf and other researchers, Jack Farmer of Arizona State University, previously announced study results, that they found that the type of mineral deposit called sulfate save ancient organism fossils. Sulphates are also widely available on Mars.
It is probable, sulphates on Mars also keeps a track record of life, just as on Earth.
In addition to planets and satellites, another place that might preserve evidence of life is an asteroid.
They have announced yesterday for the first time Wednesday that they have found direct evidence of frozen water and organic compound - - which is life-supporting materials. Especially the main asteroid in the vicinity of Mars and Jupiter.
Source: http://dunia.vivanews.com/news/read/147547-ada_kehidupan_di_planet_mars_dan_titan_
28 missions NASA is considering the future to help find aliens.
VIVAnews - The existence of extraterrestrials or alien is still unknown. Scientists so far have not found the existence of creatures ET (extra terrestrial) it.
However, they did not surrender. Based on our belief is not alone in the universe, scientists will always make a breakthrough to determine where and how to search for alien life in space missions in the future.
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 ago, scientists gathered in alien search astrobiologi conference in Houston - as well as celebrating 50 years of research astrobiologi.
Scientists say they are still vibrant and courageous to continue to seek another life in the universe. Although renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has warned people not to communicate with aliens.
Hawking said, once we open contact with them, aliens can occupy the earth and suck its resources.
"We are very interested in and prepare to find another form of keidupan universe," said a senior astrobiologis at the headquarters of U.S. Space Agency, NASA, such as pages loaded Space.com, 28 April 2010.
Meanwhile, planetary scientist from Cornell University and researcher on the project of exploration of Mars, Rover, Steve Squyres, said NASA scientists are considering the future of 28 missions that can help find life beyond Earth.
"Astrobiologi and the search for other life is the main thing that we should order suraya kedepankan in future exploration," Squyres said.
A number of robotic missions - sending robots into the solar system, including visiting the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, or even farther than that, through the Milky Way, must be done in the future.
Especially to Titan, Saturn's satellites have lakes of methane and ethane, and Enceladus, with water vapors. Titan looks like a place you can live a life.
NASA Squyres added, also is considering an ambitious mission to Mars that will bring the Red Planet's rock samples to Earth.
"This mission will reveal many things, about whether Mars ever save a life," he said.
Likewise, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, Bill Schopf believes, examples of rocks from Mars or other planets is the key answer to the riddle of life beyond Earth.
"If space missions back tomorrow and take samples of rock, I will bring the stone to the lab. From there, this problem can be solved," said Schopf.
Schopf and other researchers, Jack Farmer of Arizona State University, previously announced study results, that they found that the type of mineral deposit called sulfate save ancient organism fossils. Sulphates are also widely available on Mars.
It is probable, sulphates on Mars also keeps a track record of life, just as on Earth.
In addition to planets and satellites, another place that might preserve evidence of life is an asteroid.
They have announced yesterday for the first time Wednesday that they have found direct evidence of frozen water and organic compound - - which is life-supporting materials. Especially the main asteroid in the vicinity of Mars and Jupiter.
Source: http://dunia.vivanews.com/news/read/147547-ada_kehidupan_di_planet_mars_dan_titan_
Mountain in Iceland erupted, European Ash Rain
Iceland, (TVOne)
Clouds of smoke that accompanied the explosion of mountain ash rain in Iceland have been terrorizing some of the European skies. A number of countries in western Europe for a while to cancel many scheduled commercial flights, Thursday (15 / 4).
Smoke and ash came from the explosion of mountain glaciers in the region Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, on Wednesday (14 / 4). The mountain has erupted twice in the last month. Within 24 hours, the eruption of smoke toward the east of Iceland, the UK and European plains. According to investigators, the smoke and ash from the eruption not only disrupt the view of the pilot, but also can damage aircraft engines during flight.
Do not want to endanger the safety of the passengers and crew, authorities in England, France, Belgium and the Netherlands today decided to cancel many scheduled commercial flights at all airports. Followed a similar move by the Danish, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland.
Cancellation of scheduled flights for today are bothersome tens of thousands of prospective passengers, who piled up in various major airports in Europe.
In the UK Civil Aviation Authority said that the ban imposed commercial aircraft flying at least until Thursday at 18:00 local time (midnight GMT) and waited for the following developments. In Ireland, the authorities shut down all air service for eight hours, as did the Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish.
In addition to smoke and ash, the eruption was also melt the ice layer in Eyjafjallajökull causing the river water level rises to as high as three meters. Although there were no reports of casualties, about 800 residents near the glacier region had been displaced.
Authorities revealed that the explosion this time 10 or 20 times more powerful than the first explosion last month that high-risk area for flooding from a glacier.
Meanwhile, observers said the weather in Iceland can not be sure until when the mountain was out of smoke and raining ash. "This could happen within days or weeks. How far is disturbing air travel depends on the weather," said Einar Kjartansson from Iceland Meteorological Office.
Source: http://internasional.tvone.co.id/berita/view/36816/2010/04/15/gunung_di_islandia_meletus_eropa_hujan_abu/:
Iceland, (TVOne)
Clouds of smoke that accompanied the explosion of mountain ash rain in Iceland have been terrorizing some of the European skies. A number of countries in western Europe for a while to cancel many scheduled commercial flights, Thursday (15 / 4).
Smoke and ash came from the explosion of mountain glaciers in the region Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, on Wednesday (14 / 4). The mountain has erupted twice in the last month. Within 24 hours, the eruption of smoke toward the east of Iceland, the UK and European plains. According to investigators, the smoke and ash from the eruption not only disrupt the view of the pilot, but also can damage aircraft engines during flight.
Do not want to endanger the safety of the passengers and crew, authorities in England, France, Belgium and the Netherlands today decided to cancel many scheduled commercial flights at all airports. Followed a similar move by the Danish, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland.
Cancellation of scheduled flights for today are bothersome tens of thousands of prospective passengers, who piled up in various major airports in Europe.
In the UK Civil Aviation Authority said that the ban imposed commercial aircraft flying at least until Thursday at 18:00 local time (midnight GMT) and waited for the following developments. In Ireland, the authorities shut down all air service for eight hours, as did the Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish.
In addition to smoke and ash, the eruption was also melt the ice layer in Eyjafjallajökull causing the river water level rises to as high as three meters. Although there were no reports of casualties, about 800 residents near the glacier region had been displaced.
Authorities revealed that the explosion this time 10 or 20 times more powerful than the first explosion last month that high-risk area for flooding from a glacier.
Meanwhile, observers said the weather in Iceland can not be sure until when the mountain was out of smoke and raining ash. "This could happen within days or weeks. How far is disturbing air travel depends on the weather," said Einar Kjartansson from Iceland Meteorological Office.
Source: http://internasional.tvone.co.id/berita/view/36816/2010/04/15/gunung_di_islandia_meletus_eropa_hujan_abu/:
Global Warming
Global Warming or Global Warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean, and land Earth.
The average temperature at Earth's surface globally has increased ± 0.74 ° C 0:18 (1:33 ± 0:32 ° F) during the last hundred years. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that, "most of the increase in temperature of the global average since the mid-20th century, most likely caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations, greenhouse gases due to human activities" through the greenhouse effect. These basic conclusions have been expressed by at least 30 scientific and academic bodies, including all the national science academies of the G8 countries. However, there are still some scientists who disagree with some of the IPCC conclusions are presented.
Climate models referenced by the IPCC project shows the global surface temperature will rise 1.1 to 6.4 ° C (2.0 to 11.5 ° F) between 1990 and 2100. Estimate the difference was caused by the use of different scenarios of gas emission of greenhouse gases in the future, as well as models of different climate sensitivities. Although most research focuses on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise is expected to continue for more than a thousand years even if the level of greenhouse gas emissions have stabilized. This reflects the large heat capacity of the ocean.
Increasing global temperature is expected to cause changes such as sea level rise, increased intensity of extreme weather phenomena, as well as changes in the number and pattern of precipitation. The consequences of global warming is terpengaruhnya crops, loss of glaciers, and the extinction of various species of animals.
Some of the things that scientists still doubt is about the amount of warming predicted to occur in the future, and how warming and the changes that occur will vary from one region to another. Until now still going political and public debate in the world about what, if any, action should be taken to reduce or reverse the further warming or to adapt to the consequences that exist. Most of the government of the countries in the world have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, which leads to the reduction of gas emissions greenhouse gases.
Source: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pemanasan_global
Global Warming or Global Warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean, and land Earth.
The average temperature at Earth's surface globally has increased ± 0.74 ° C 0:18 (1:33 ± 0:32 ° F) during the last hundred years. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that, "most of the increase in temperature of the global average since the mid-20th century, most likely caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations, greenhouse gases due to human activities" through the greenhouse effect. These basic conclusions have been expressed by at least 30 scientific and academic bodies, including all the national science academies of the G8 countries. However, there are still some scientists who disagree with some of the IPCC conclusions are presented.
Climate models referenced by the IPCC project shows the global surface temperature will rise 1.1 to 6.4 ° C (2.0 to 11.5 ° F) between 1990 and 2100. Estimate the difference was caused by the use of different scenarios of gas emission of greenhouse gases in the future, as well as models of different climate sensitivities. Although most research focuses on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise is expected to continue for more than a thousand years even if the level of greenhouse gas emissions have stabilized. This reflects the large heat capacity of the ocean.
Increasing global temperature is expected to cause changes such as sea level rise, increased intensity of extreme weather phenomena, as well as changes in the number and pattern of precipitation. The consequences of global warming is terpengaruhnya crops, loss of glaciers, and the extinction of various species of animals.
Some of the things that scientists still doubt is about the amount of warming predicted to occur in the future, and how warming and the changes that occur will vary from one region to another. Until now still going political and public debate in the world about what, if any, action should be taken to reduce or reverse the further warming or to adapt to the consequences that exist. Most of the government of the countries in the world have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, which leads to the reduction of gas emissions greenhouse gases.
Source: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pemanasan_global
Air Pollution Society Resahkan Tangerang
TANGERANG | The case of environmental pollution due to burning of waste, making restless people living around the waste-burning industries. At least, there were 40 cases of air pollution caused by burning of waste that occurs in some wilyaha in Tangerang Regency.
"There are about 40 cases of environmental pollution in the area of Tangerang regency's we deal with," said Section Supervision and control of waste BLHD Tangerang District, Arief Rachman told reporters.
Of that amount, one of them is a case of suspected arson lead from a plastic factory in New Sepatan Road, Sepatan District. However, cases of suspected Environmental pollution comes from combustion of lead that he had not yet fully known.
"We've got information only. Sepatan addition, incineration cases also occurred in the Gulf region Dragon, "said Arief.
Anticipates that no more cases of environmental pollution caused by burning plant waste, added Arief, BLHD with the Ministry of Environment will establish a community where the goal may be to minimize the illegal waste burning activities. Chances are incineration industry will look for locations far from the settlement as an alternative to avoid disturbing residents.
Monitoring journalists, other than in Sepatan and TELUKNAGA, environmental pollution from the plant also occurs in other areas such as in the Cikupa, Curug, Legok and some other industrial areas.
Aluminum Combustion
Meanwhile, air pollution by burning of waste metals aluminum, also complained of the community in Tangerang City area, precisely in the way the New Rock Sub-District pots Jaya. From the factory adjoining the restaurant location and fishing, always appears black smoke that often interfere with road users who pass on the street the Rocks, especially in the afternoon.
In fact, the impact of these activities, some street lighting lamps General (PJU) often do not work due to the dust.
Information obtained from local residents who do not want to write his name, some people where the direction of the wind smoke from burning dirty impact people's homes in villages north. "Allegations temporary, Uki's burning it does not have an official permit, and there are elements that membekingi persahaan tersbut," he said as he cautioned that his name not dikorankan for security reasons.
However, as will dikomfirmasikan Uki as owner can not always be found with a variety of reasons.
Source: http://www.koranbanten.com/2009/01/10/polusi-udara-resahkan-masyarakat-tangerang/
TANGERANG | The case of environmental pollution due to burning of waste, making restless people living around the waste-burning industries. At least, there were 40 cases of air pollution caused by burning of waste that occurs in some wilyaha in Tangerang Regency.
"There are about 40 cases of environmental pollution in the area of Tangerang regency's we deal with," said Section Supervision and control of waste BLHD Tangerang District, Arief Rachman told reporters.
Of that amount, one of them is a case of suspected arson lead from a plastic factory in New Sepatan Road, Sepatan District. However, cases of suspected Environmental pollution comes from combustion of lead that he had not yet fully known.
"We've got information only. Sepatan addition, incineration cases also occurred in the Gulf region Dragon, "said Arief.
Anticipates that no more cases of environmental pollution caused by burning plant waste, added Arief, BLHD with the Ministry of Environment will establish a community where the goal may be to minimize the illegal waste burning activities. Chances are incineration industry will look for locations far from the settlement as an alternative to avoid disturbing residents.
Monitoring journalists, other than in Sepatan and TELUKNAGA, environmental pollution from the plant also occurs in other areas such as in the Cikupa, Curug, Legok and some other industrial areas.
Aluminum Combustion
Meanwhile, air pollution by burning of waste metals aluminum, also complained of the community in Tangerang City area, precisely in the way the New Rock Sub-District pots Jaya. From the factory adjoining the restaurant location and fishing, always appears black smoke that often interfere with road users who pass on the street the Rocks, especially in the afternoon.
In fact, the impact of these activities, some street lighting lamps General (PJU) often do not work due to the dust.
Information obtained from local residents who do not want to write his name, some people where the direction of the wind smoke from burning dirty impact people's homes in villages north. "Allegations temporary, Uki's burning it does not have an official permit, and there are elements that membekingi persahaan tersbut," he said as he cautioned that his name not dikorankan for security reasons.
However, as will dikomfirmasikan Uki as owner can not always be found with a variety of reasons.
Source: http://www.koranbanten.com/2009/01/10/polusi-udara-resahkan-masyarakat-tangerang/
1.WHO (Pengganti Subject)
a.He paid the money to the man.
b.The man had done the work.
Adjective clauses = He paid the money to the man who had done the work.
a.You help the old lady.
b.The old lady live next to me.
Adjective clauses = You help the old who lives next to me.
a.Rio is very handsome.
b.He work in TV station.
Adjective clauses = Roni who work in TV station is very handsome
2.WHOM (Pengganti Object)
a.The girl is very sweet.
b.I met her in the café.
Adjective clauses = The girl whom I met in the café is very sweet.
3.WHOSE (Possesive (Persons))
a.The man called the police.
b.His car was stolen.
Adjective clauses = The man whose car was stolen called the police.
a.The horse Tuns fast.
b.It comes from Sumbawa.
Adjective clauses = The horse which comes from Sumbawa Tuns fast.
a.The book is very big.
b.I buy the book in Gramedia.
Adjective clauses = The book which I buy in Gramedia is very big.
1.WHO (Pengganti Subject)
a.He paid the money to the man.
b.The man had done the work.
Adjective clauses = He paid the money to the man who had done the work.
a.You help the old lady.
b.The old lady live next to me.
Adjective clauses = You help the old who lives next to me.
a.Rio is very handsome.
b.He work in TV station.
Adjective clauses = Roni who work in TV station is very handsome
2.WHOM (Pengganti Object)
a.The girl is very sweet.
b.I met her in the café.
Adjective clauses = The girl whom I met in the café is very sweet.
3.WHOSE (Possesive (Persons))
a.The man called the police.
b.His car was stolen.
Adjective clauses = The man whose car was stolen called the police.
a.The horse Tuns fast.
b.It comes from Sumbawa.
Adjective clauses = The horse which comes from Sumbawa Tuns fast.
a.The book is very big.
b.I buy the book in Gramedia.
Adjective clauses = The book which I buy in Gramedia is very big.
Minggu, 02 Mei 2010
1. Positive (+) = Subject + V1(s/es) + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O
3. Interrogative (?)= Do/Does + Subject + V1 + O
1. Positive (+) = O + To be + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + To be + Not + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + O + V3 + By + S
1. Active = she reads a book (+)
Passive = a book is read by her (+)
2. Active = Does she read a book? (?)
Passive = Is a book read by her (?)
3. Active = I wear a black jacket (+)
Passive = a black jacket is worn by me (+)
4. Pasive = I am loved by her (+)
Active = She love me (+)
1. Positive (+) = Subject + To be + Ving + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + To be + Not + Ving + O
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + Subject + Ving + O
1. Positive (+) = O + To be + Being + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + To be + Not + Being + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + O + Being + V3 + By + S
1. Active = My mother is cooking a dinner for me (+)
Passive = A dinner is being cooked by my mother for me (+)
2. Active = Is my mother cooking a dinner for me? (?)
Passive = Is a dinner being cooked by my mother for me? (?)
3. Pasive = The wedding party is being celebrated by my parents (+)
Active = My parents are celebrating the wedding party(+)
1. Positive (+) = Subject + Has/Have + V3 + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + Has/Have + Not + V3 + O
3. Interrogative (?)= Has/Have + Subject + V3 + O
1. Positive (+) = O + Has/Have + Been + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + Has/Have + Not + Been + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= Has/Have + O + Been + V3 + By + S
1. Active = I have finished the home work (+)
Passive = The home work has been finished by me (+)
2. Active = Have I finished the home work? (?)
Passive = Has the home work been finished by me? (?)
1. Positive (+) = Subject + V1(s/es) + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O
3. Interrogative (?)= Do/Does + Subject + V1 + O
1. Positive (+) = O + To be + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + To be + Not + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + O + V3 + By + S
1. Active = she reads a book (+)
Passive = a book is read by her (+)
2. Active = Does she read a book? (?)
Passive = Is a book read by her (?)
3. Active = I wear a black jacket (+)
Passive = a black jacket is worn by me (+)
4. Pasive = I am loved by her (+)
Active = She love me (+)
1. Positive (+) = Subject + To be + Ving + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + To be + Not + Ving + O
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + Subject + Ving + O
1. Positive (+) = O + To be + Being + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + To be + Not + Being + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= To be + O + Being + V3 + By + S
1. Active = My mother is cooking a dinner for me (+)
Passive = A dinner is being cooked by my mother for me (+)
2. Active = Is my mother cooking a dinner for me? (?)
Passive = Is a dinner being cooked by my mother for me? (?)
3. Pasive = The wedding party is being celebrated by my parents (+)
Active = My parents are celebrating the wedding party(+)
1. Positive (+) = Subject + Has/Have + V3 + O
2. Negative (-) = Subject + Has/Have + Not + V3 + O
3. Interrogative (?)= Has/Have + Subject + V3 + O
1. Positive (+) = O + Has/Have + Been + V3 + By + S
2. Negative (-) = O + Has/Have + Not + Been + V3 + By + S
3. Interrogative (?)= Has/Have + O + Been + V3 + By + S
1. Active = I have finished the home work (+)
Passive = The home work has been finished by me (+)
2. Active = Have I finished the home work? (?)
Passive = Has the home work been finished by me? (?)
Sabtu, 17 April 2010
This artinya ini, untuk menunjukkan benda tunggal yang jaraknya dekat dengan pembicara.
Contoh: This your pencil
That artinya itu, untuk menunjukkan benda tunggal yang jaraknya jauh dari pembicara.
Contoh: That is house
That is my glass
These adalah jamaknya dari kata this
Contoh: These are your dogs
These are his cats
Those adalah jamaknya dari kata that
Contoh: Those are her pictures
Those are your balls
This artinya ini, untuk menunjukkan benda tunggal yang jaraknya dekat dengan pembicara.
Contoh: This your pencil
That artinya itu, untuk menunjukkan benda tunggal yang jaraknya jauh dari pembicara.
Contoh: That is house
That is my glass
These adalah jamaknya dari kata this
Contoh: These are your dogs
These are his cats
Those adalah jamaknya dari kata that
Contoh: Those are her pictures
Those are your balls
Kata To Do berfungsi sebagai kata kerja bantu. Dan kata To Do yang artinya mengerjakan sesuatu berfungsi sebagai kata kerja penuh.
-I do my home work
-You do your exercise
-He does his sum
-Atira does it
Pengertian Do yang lain:
1.Menyatakan sungguh-sungguh
-I do it my self!
2.Mempunyai arti silakan dan menyatakan sesuatu permintaan
-Do be quite!
-Do sit down!
3.Untuk memberi tekanan
-Do tell me!
-Do work hard!
Kata To Do berfungsi sebagai kata kerja bantu. Dan kata To Do yang artinya mengerjakan sesuatu berfungsi sebagai kata kerja penuh.
-I do my home work
-You do your exercise
-He does his sum
-Atira does it
Pengertian Do yang lain:
1.Menyatakan sungguh-sungguh
-I do it my self!
2.Mempunyai arti silakan dan menyatakan sesuatu permintaan
-Do be quite!
-Do sit down!
3.Untuk memberi tekanan
-Do tell me!
-Do work hard!
Macam-macam kalimat (Kind of sentences)
Dalam bahasa inggris setiap kalimat harus menggunakan kata kerja. Bila dalam kalimat tidak terdapat kata kerja maka kalimat tersebut harus memakai kata kerja bantu (To be).
Contoh kalimat dengan kata kerja penuh:
-To read
-To work
Infinitive verb adalah kata kerja yang belum berfungsi/belum digunakan dalam kalimat selalu disertai to dalam penulisannya.
Contoh kalimat positive yang menggunakan to be
-I am a girl
-You are clever
-He is a boy
-She is Anne
-It is a book
Kalimat berita (affirmative sentence) ialah kalimat yang memberitakan suatu pekerjaan, keadaan atau sifat pada pokok kalimat.
Rumus kalimat berita (+)
Subject+ To be+ Predicative
1 am a student
Rumus kalimat berita (-)
Subject+ To be+ not+ Predicative
I am not student
Rumus kalimat interrogative (?)
To be+ Subject+ Predicative
Are you a student?
Dalam bahasa inggris setiap kalimat harus menggunakan kata kerja. Bila dalam kalimat tidak terdapat kata kerja maka kalimat tersebut harus memakai kata kerja bantu (To be).
Contoh kalimat dengan kata kerja penuh:
-To read
-To work
Infinitive verb adalah kata kerja yang belum berfungsi/belum digunakan dalam kalimat selalu disertai to dalam penulisannya.
Contoh kalimat positive yang menggunakan to be
-I am a girl
-You are clever
-He is a boy
-She is Anne
-It is a book
Kalimat berita (affirmative sentence) ialah kalimat yang memberitakan suatu pekerjaan, keadaan atau sifat pada pokok kalimat.
Rumus kalimat berita (+)
Subject+ To be+ Predicative
1 am a student
Rumus kalimat berita (-)
Subject+ To be+ not+ Predicative
I am not student
Rumus kalimat interrogative (?)
To be+ Subject+ Predicative
Are you a student?
A.Personal pronoun
Diantaranya ialah : I, WE, THEY, YOU, SHE, HE, IT
Dipergunakan sebagai subjek (pokok kalimat)
B.Possesive pronoun
Diantaranya adalah: MINE, OURS, THEIRS, YOURS, HERE, HIS, ITS
Dipergunakan sebagai penunjuk kepunyaan
C.Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun adalah kata ganti petunjuk, dipergunakan
Untuk menggantikan kata benda yang telah diucapkan terlebih dahulu. Yang termasuk kata ganti petunjuk, antara lain : THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE and SOME .
NB: This dan these menujuk kata benda yang deka. That dan thost menunjuk kata benda yang jauh.
Contoh :
-This book is mine
-This book is good
-These ate better
-Those are also good
-Some are in the room
D.Relative pronoun
Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti penghubung memiliki pengertian: Yang, dipergunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat menjadi satu kalimat
Contoh dalam kalimat:
1.1 meet Yessi
She will buy a book
Relative pronoun:
I meet Yessi who will buy a book
NB: “Who berfungsi sebagai subjek pada kalimat kedua, artinya Yang.
Pemakaian kata Who selalu diiring dengan kata kerja.
2.The girl whose name is Tari is good girl
3.The cat wich you strike is my cat
4.The boy that you see is my brother
E.Interrogative pronoun
Interrogative pronoun adalah kata ganti yang dipergunakan dalam kalimat bertanya.
1.Who (dipakai untuk menanyakan orang)
-Who is striking you?
2.Whose (untuk menayakan orang, benda atau binatang sebagai kepunyaan)
- Whose bag is this?
- Whose pen is this?
3.Whom (dipakai untuk menanyakan orang)
- Whom will you write the letter for?
4.What (dipakai untuk menanyakan benda atau binatang)
-What is on the table?
5.Which (dipakai untuk menayakan orang, benda, atau binatang)
-Which do you prefer, the pencil or the book?
A.Personal pronoun
Diantaranya ialah : I, WE, THEY, YOU, SHE, HE, IT
Dipergunakan sebagai subjek (pokok kalimat)
B.Possesive pronoun
Diantaranya adalah: MINE, OURS, THEIRS, YOURS, HERE, HIS, ITS
Dipergunakan sebagai penunjuk kepunyaan
C.Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun adalah kata ganti petunjuk, dipergunakan
Untuk menggantikan kata benda yang telah diucapkan terlebih dahulu. Yang termasuk kata ganti petunjuk, antara lain : THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE and SOME .
NB: This dan these menujuk kata benda yang deka. That dan thost menunjuk kata benda yang jauh.
Contoh :
-This book is mine
-This book is good
-These ate better
-Those are also good
-Some are in the room
D.Relative pronoun
Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti penghubung memiliki pengertian: Yang, dipergunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat menjadi satu kalimat
Contoh dalam kalimat:
1.1 meet Yessi
She will buy a book
Relative pronoun:
I meet Yessi who will buy a book
NB: “Who berfungsi sebagai subjek pada kalimat kedua, artinya Yang.
Pemakaian kata Who selalu diiring dengan kata kerja.
2.The girl whose name is Tari is good girl
3.The cat wich you strike is my cat
4.The boy that you see is my brother
E.Interrogative pronoun
Interrogative pronoun adalah kata ganti yang dipergunakan dalam kalimat bertanya.
1.Who (dipakai untuk menanyakan orang)
-Who is striking you?
2.Whose (untuk menayakan orang, benda atau binatang sebagai kepunyaan)
- Whose bag is this?
- Whose pen is this?
3.Whom (dipakai untuk menanyakan orang)
- Whom will you write the letter for?
4.What (dipakai untuk menanyakan benda atau binatang)
-What is on the table?
5.Which (dipakai untuk menayakan orang, benda, atau binatang)
-Which do you prefer, the pencil or the book?
Jumat, 16 April 2010
Pengertian entrepreneur
Pada abad pertengahan istilah entrepreneur digunakan untuk menggambarkan seorang aktor sebagai orang yang memimpin proyek produksi. Orang ini tidak menanggung risiko akan tetapi pemimpin proyek menyediakan sumber-sumber yang diperlukan. Menurut Joseph Schumpeter, entrepreneur atau wirausaha adalah orang yang mendobrak system ekonomi yang ada dengan memperkenalkan barang dan jasa yang baru, dengan menciptakan bentuk organisasi baru atau mengolah bahan baku baru. Orang tersebut melakukan kegiatannya melalui organisasi bisnis yang baru atau bisa pula dilakukan dalam organisasi bisnis yang sudah ada (Alma, 2005).
Dewasa ini semakin banyak istilah tentang entrepreneur dari berbagai sumber ahli yaitu sebagai berikut: (Suryana, 2006)
a.Menurut Marzuki Usman(1997:3), entrepreneur adalah seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan dan mengkombinasikan sumber daya seperti keuangan, material, tenaga kerja, keterampilan untuk menghasilkan produk, proses produksi, bisnis, dan organisasi usaha baru.
b.Menurut Dun Steinhoff dan John F. Burgess (1998:35), entrepreneur adalah orang yang mengorganisasikan, mengelola, dan berani menanggung risiko sebuah usaha atau perusahaan.
c.Menurut Sri Edi Swasono (1978:38), entrepreneur adalah pelopor dalam bisnis, inovator, penanggung risiko yang mempunyai visi kedepan dan memiliki keunggulan dalam prestasi dibidang usaha.
d.Menurut Scarborough dan Zimmerer (1993:5), entrepreneur adalah orang yang menciptakan suatu bisnis baru dalam menghadapi risiko dan ketidakpastian dengan maksud untuk memperoleh keuntungan dan mengkombinasikan sumber-sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk memanfaatkan peluang.
Pada abad pertengahan istilah entrepreneur digunakan untuk menggambarkan seorang aktor sebagai orang yang memimpin proyek produksi. Orang ini tidak menanggung risiko akan tetapi pemimpin proyek menyediakan sumber-sumber yang diperlukan. Menurut Joseph Schumpeter, entrepreneur atau wirausaha adalah orang yang mendobrak system ekonomi yang ada dengan memperkenalkan barang dan jasa yang baru, dengan menciptakan bentuk organisasi baru atau mengolah bahan baku baru. Orang tersebut melakukan kegiatannya melalui organisasi bisnis yang baru atau bisa pula dilakukan dalam organisasi bisnis yang sudah ada (Alma, 2005).
Dewasa ini semakin banyak istilah tentang entrepreneur dari berbagai sumber ahli yaitu sebagai berikut: (Suryana, 2006)
a.Menurut Marzuki Usman(1997:3), entrepreneur adalah seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan dan mengkombinasikan sumber daya seperti keuangan, material, tenaga kerja, keterampilan untuk menghasilkan produk, proses produksi, bisnis, dan organisasi usaha baru.
b.Menurut Dun Steinhoff dan John F. Burgess (1998:35), entrepreneur adalah orang yang mengorganisasikan, mengelola, dan berani menanggung risiko sebuah usaha atau perusahaan.
c.Menurut Sri Edi Swasono (1978:38), entrepreneur adalah pelopor dalam bisnis, inovator, penanggung risiko yang mempunyai visi kedepan dan memiliki keunggulan dalam prestasi dibidang usaha.
d.Menurut Scarborough dan Zimmerer (1993:5), entrepreneur adalah orang yang menciptakan suatu bisnis baru dalam menghadapi risiko dan ketidakpastian dengan maksud untuk memperoleh keuntungan dan mengkombinasikan sumber-sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk memanfaatkan peluang.
Karakteristik Entrepreneur yang sukses
Menurut Zimmerer ada beberapa karakteristik entrepreneur yang sukses yaitu sebagai berikut: (Zimmerer dalam Alma, 2005:95)
1.Memiliki komitmen yang tinggi terhadap tugasnya.
2.Mau bertanggung jawab.
3.Mampu mempertahankan internal locus of control yaitu minat kewirausahaan dalam dirinya.
4.Peluang untuk mencapai obsesi.
5.Toleransi menghadapi risiko kebimbangan dan ketidakpastian.
6.Yakin pada dirinya sendiri.
7.Kreatif dan fleksibel.
8.Enerjik tinggi.
9.Motivasi untuk lebih unggul.
10.Berorientasi ke masa depan.
11.Mau belajar dari kegagalan.
12.Memiliki kemampuan memimpin.
Menurut Zimmerer ada beberapa karakteristik entrepreneur yang sukses yaitu sebagai berikut: (Zimmerer dalam Alma, 2005:95)
1.Memiliki komitmen yang tinggi terhadap tugasnya.
2.Mau bertanggung jawab.
3.Mampu mempertahankan internal locus of control yaitu minat kewirausahaan dalam dirinya.
4.Peluang untuk mencapai obsesi.
5.Toleransi menghadapi risiko kebimbangan dan ketidakpastian.
6.Yakin pada dirinya sendiri.
7.Kreatif dan fleksibel.
8.Enerjik tinggi.
9.Motivasi untuk lebih unggul.
10.Berorientasi ke masa depan.
11.Mau belajar dari kegagalan.
12.Memiliki kemampuan memimpin.
Pengertian dan Kriteria Usaha Kecil dan Menengah
Berikut ini ada beberapa pengertian dan kriteria Usaha Kecil dan Menengah antara lain:
1.Menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Bab 1 pasal 1. Ketentuan umum:
a.Usaha mikro adalah usaha produktif milik orang perorangan dan/atau badan usaha perorangan yang memenuhi kriteria usaha mikro sebagaimana di atur dalam Undang-Undang ini.
b.Usaha kecil adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang berdiri sendiri, yang dilakukan oleh orang perorangan atau badan usaha yang bukan merupakan anak perusahaan atau bukan cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai, atau menjadi bagian baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dari usaha menengah atau usaha besar yang memenuhi kriteria usaha kecil sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang ini.
c.Usaha menengah adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang berdiri sendiri, yang dilakukan oleh orang perseorangan atau badan usaha yang bukan merupakan anak perusahaan atau cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai, atau menjadi bagian baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan usaha kecil atau usaha besar dengan jumlah kekayaan bersih atau hasil penjualan tahunan sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang ini.
d.Usaha besar adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang dilakukan oleh badan usaha dengan jumlah kekayaan bersih atau hasil penjualan tahunan lebih besar dari usaha menengah, yang meliputi usaha nasional milik negara atau swasta, usaha patungan, dan usaha asing yang melakukan kegiatan ekonomi di Indonesia.
e.Dunia usaha adalah usaha mikro, usaha kecil, usaha menengah dan usaha besar yang melakukan kegiatan ekonomi di Indonesia dan berdomisili di Indonesia.
2.Usaha kecil adalah kegiatan ekonomi yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut: (Adler, 2008:8)
a.Usaha yang memiliki kekayaan bersih paling banyak Rp 200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta rupiah) , tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Usaha yang memiliki penjualan tahunan paling banyak Rp,00 (satu milyar rupiah).
c.Usaha yang berdiri sendiri, bukan perusahaan atau cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, dengan usaha menengah atau berskala besar.
d.Berbentuk usaha yang dimiliki orang perorangan, badan usaha yang tidak berbadan hukum atau badan usaha yang berbadan hukum, termasuk koperasi.
Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 20, bab IV pasal 6 tahun 2008 mengatakan ada beberapa kriteria mengenai usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah antara lain sebagai berikut:
1.Kriteria Usaha Mikro adalah sebagai berikut:
a.Memiliki kekayaan bersih paling banyak Rp 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta rupiah) tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Memiliki hasil penjualan tahunan paling banyak Rp 300.000.000,00 (tiga ratus juta rupiah).
2.Kriteria Usaha Kecil adalah sebagai berikut:
a.Memiliki kekayaan bersih lebih dari Rp 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah) tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Memiliki hasil penjualan tahunan lebih dari Rp 300.000.000,00 (tiga ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp 2.500.000.000,00 (dua milyar lima ratus juta rupiah).
3.Kriteria Usaha Menengah adalah sebagai berikut:
a.Memiliki kekayaan bersih lebih dari Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp,00 (sepuluh milyar rupiah) tidak
termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Memiliki hasil penjualan tahunan lebih dari Rp 2.500.000.000,00 (dua milyar lima ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp,00 (lima puluh milyar rupiah).
4.Kriteria sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, dan ayat (2) huruf a, huruf b, serta ayat (3) huruf a, huruf b nilai nominalnya dapat diubah sesuai dengan perkembangan perekonomian yang diatur dengan Peraturan Presiden.
Berikut ini ada beberapa pengertian dan kriteria Usaha Kecil dan Menengah antara lain:
1.Menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Bab 1 pasal 1. Ketentuan umum:
a.Usaha mikro adalah usaha produktif milik orang perorangan dan/atau badan usaha perorangan yang memenuhi kriteria usaha mikro sebagaimana di atur dalam Undang-Undang ini.
b.Usaha kecil adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang berdiri sendiri, yang dilakukan oleh orang perorangan atau badan usaha yang bukan merupakan anak perusahaan atau bukan cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai, atau menjadi bagian baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dari usaha menengah atau usaha besar yang memenuhi kriteria usaha kecil sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang ini.
c.Usaha menengah adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang berdiri sendiri, yang dilakukan oleh orang perseorangan atau badan usaha yang bukan merupakan anak perusahaan atau cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai, atau menjadi bagian baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan usaha kecil atau usaha besar dengan jumlah kekayaan bersih atau hasil penjualan tahunan sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang ini.
d.Usaha besar adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang dilakukan oleh badan usaha dengan jumlah kekayaan bersih atau hasil penjualan tahunan lebih besar dari usaha menengah, yang meliputi usaha nasional milik negara atau swasta, usaha patungan, dan usaha asing yang melakukan kegiatan ekonomi di Indonesia.
e.Dunia usaha adalah usaha mikro, usaha kecil, usaha menengah dan usaha besar yang melakukan kegiatan ekonomi di Indonesia dan berdomisili di Indonesia.
2.Usaha kecil adalah kegiatan ekonomi yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut: (Adler, 2008:8)
a.Usaha yang memiliki kekayaan bersih paling banyak Rp 200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta rupiah) , tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Usaha yang memiliki penjualan tahunan paling banyak Rp,00 (satu milyar rupiah).
c.Usaha yang berdiri sendiri, bukan perusahaan atau cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, dengan usaha menengah atau berskala besar.
d.Berbentuk usaha yang dimiliki orang perorangan, badan usaha yang tidak berbadan hukum atau badan usaha yang berbadan hukum, termasuk koperasi.
Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 20, bab IV pasal 6 tahun 2008 mengatakan ada beberapa kriteria mengenai usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah antara lain sebagai berikut:
1.Kriteria Usaha Mikro adalah sebagai berikut:
a.Memiliki kekayaan bersih paling banyak Rp 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta rupiah) tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Memiliki hasil penjualan tahunan paling banyak Rp 300.000.000,00 (tiga ratus juta rupiah).
2.Kriteria Usaha Kecil adalah sebagai berikut:
a.Memiliki kekayaan bersih lebih dari Rp 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah) tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Memiliki hasil penjualan tahunan lebih dari Rp 300.000.000,00 (tiga ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp 2.500.000.000,00 (dua milyar lima ratus juta rupiah).
3.Kriteria Usaha Menengah adalah sebagai berikut:
a.Memiliki kekayaan bersih lebih dari Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp,00 (sepuluh milyar rupiah) tidak
termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha.
b.Memiliki hasil penjualan tahunan lebih dari Rp 2.500.000.000,00 (dua milyar lima ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak Rp,00 (lima puluh milyar rupiah).
4.Kriteria sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, dan ayat (2) huruf a, huruf b, serta ayat (3) huruf a, huruf b nilai nominalnya dapat diubah sesuai dengan perkembangan perekonomian yang diatur dengan Peraturan Presiden.
Keunggulan dan Kelemahan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah
Beberapa keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) dibandingkan dengan usaha besar (Partomo dan Rachman, 2002) antara lain:
1.Inovasi dalam teknologi yang dengan mudah terjadi dalam pengembangan produk.
2.Hubungan kemanusiaan yang akrab di dalam perusahaan kecil
3.Fleksibilitas dan kemampuan menyesuaikan diri terhadap kondisi pasar yang berubah dengan cepat dibandingkan dengan perusahaan berskala besar yang pada umumnya birokratis
4.Terdapat dinamisme manajerial dan peranan kewirausahaan.
Kelemahan yang dimiliki Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) (Tambunan, 2002) adalah:
1.Kesulitan pemasaran
Hasil dari studi lintas Negara yang dilakukan oleh James dan Akarasanee (1988) di sejumlah Negara ASEAN menyimpulkan salah satu aspek yang terkait dengan masalah pemasaran yang umum dihadapi oleh pengusaha UKM adalah tekanan-tekanan persaingan, baik dipasar domestik dari produk-produk yang serupa buatan pengusaha-pengusaha besar dan impor, maupun dipasar ekspor.
2.Keterbatasan finansial
UKM di Indonesia menghadapi dua masalah utama dalam aspek finansial antara lain: modal (baik modal awal maupun modal kerja) dan finansial jangka panjang untuk investasi yang sangat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan output jangka panjang.
3.Keterbatasan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)
Keterbatasan sumber daya manusia juga merupakan salah satu kendala serius bagi UKM di Indonesia, terutama dalam aspek-aspek kewirausahaan, manajemen, teknik produksi, pengembangan produk, control kualitas, akuntansi, mesin-mesin, organisasi, pemprosesan data, teknik pemasaran, dan penelitian pasar. Semua keahlian tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk mempertahankan atau memperbaiki kualitas produk, meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktifitas dalam produksi, memperluas pangsa pasar dan menembus pasar baru.
4.Masalah bahan baku
Keterbatasan bahan baku dan input-input lain juga sering menjadi salah satu masalah serius bagi pertumbuhan output atau kelangsungan produksi bagi UKM di Indonesia. Terutama selama masa krisis, banyak sentra-sentra Usaha Kecil dan Menengah seperti sepatu dan produk-produk textile mengalami kesulitan mendapatkan bahan baku atau input lain karena harganya dalam rupiah menjadi sangat mahal akibat depresiasi nilai tukar terhadap dolar AS.
5.Keterbatasan teknologi
Berbeda dengan Negara-negara maju, UKM di Indonesia umumnya masih menggunakan teknologi tradisonal dalam bentuk mesin-mesin tua atau alat-alat produksi yang sifatnya manual. Keterbelakangan teknologi ini tidak hanya membuat rendahnya jumlah produksi dan efisiensi di dalam proses produksi, tetapi juga rendahnya kualitas produk yang dibuat serta kesanggupan bagi UKM di Indonesia untuk dapat bersaing di pasar global.
Keterbatasan teknologi disebabkan oleh banyak faktor seperti keterbatasan modal investasi untuk membeli mesin-mesin baru, keterbatasan informasi mengenai perkembangan teknologi, dan keterbatasan sumber daya manusia yang dapat mengoperasikan mesin-mesin baru.
Beberapa keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) dibandingkan dengan usaha besar (Partomo dan Rachman, 2002) antara lain:
1.Inovasi dalam teknologi yang dengan mudah terjadi dalam pengembangan produk.
2.Hubungan kemanusiaan yang akrab di dalam perusahaan kecil
3.Fleksibilitas dan kemampuan menyesuaikan diri terhadap kondisi pasar yang berubah dengan cepat dibandingkan dengan perusahaan berskala besar yang pada umumnya birokratis
4.Terdapat dinamisme manajerial dan peranan kewirausahaan.
Kelemahan yang dimiliki Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) (Tambunan, 2002) adalah:
1.Kesulitan pemasaran
Hasil dari studi lintas Negara yang dilakukan oleh James dan Akarasanee (1988) di sejumlah Negara ASEAN menyimpulkan salah satu aspek yang terkait dengan masalah pemasaran yang umum dihadapi oleh pengusaha UKM adalah tekanan-tekanan persaingan, baik dipasar domestik dari produk-produk yang serupa buatan pengusaha-pengusaha besar dan impor, maupun dipasar ekspor.
2.Keterbatasan finansial
UKM di Indonesia menghadapi dua masalah utama dalam aspek finansial antara lain: modal (baik modal awal maupun modal kerja) dan finansial jangka panjang untuk investasi yang sangat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan output jangka panjang.
3.Keterbatasan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)
Keterbatasan sumber daya manusia juga merupakan salah satu kendala serius bagi UKM di Indonesia, terutama dalam aspek-aspek kewirausahaan, manajemen, teknik produksi, pengembangan produk, control kualitas, akuntansi, mesin-mesin, organisasi, pemprosesan data, teknik pemasaran, dan penelitian pasar. Semua keahlian tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk mempertahankan atau memperbaiki kualitas produk, meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktifitas dalam produksi, memperluas pangsa pasar dan menembus pasar baru.
4.Masalah bahan baku
Keterbatasan bahan baku dan input-input lain juga sering menjadi salah satu masalah serius bagi pertumbuhan output atau kelangsungan produksi bagi UKM di Indonesia. Terutama selama masa krisis, banyak sentra-sentra Usaha Kecil dan Menengah seperti sepatu dan produk-produk textile mengalami kesulitan mendapatkan bahan baku atau input lain karena harganya dalam rupiah menjadi sangat mahal akibat depresiasi nilai tukar terhadap dolar AS.
5.Keterbatasan teknologi
Berbeda dengan Negara-negara maju, UKM di Indonesia umumnya masih menggunakan teknologi tradisonal dalam bentuk mesin-mesin tua atau alat-alat produksi yang sifatnya manual. Keterbelakangan teknologi ini tidak hanya membuat rendahnya jumlah produksi dan efisiensi di dalam proses produksi, tetapi juga rendahnya kualitas produk yang dibuat serta kesanggupan bagi UKM di Indonesia untuk dapat bersaing di pasar global.
Keterbatasan teknologi disebabkan oleh banyak faktor seperti keterbatasan modal investasi untuk membeli mesin-mesin baru, keterbatasan informasi mengenai perkembangan teknologi, dan keterbatasan sumber daya manusia yang dapat mengoperasikan mesin-mesin baru.
Kita mengenal kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan yang tidak dapat dihitung
A. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung
Kata benda yang dapat dihitung dibedakan menjadi dua bagian yaitu:
1. Bilangan satu/tunggal disebut singular
2. Bilangan yang lebih dari satu (jamak) disebut plural
Pada umumnya kata benda dalam bentuk tunggal (singular) jika menjadi jamak (plural) dengan menambahkan s atau es pada kata benda tunggal.
Singular Plural
-Book -Books
-Dog -Dogs
-Cat -Cats
1. Apabila kata benda tersebut berakhiran huruf: s, sh, x, ch, dan o, maka dibelakang kata benda itu ditambah huruf es.
Singular Plural
-Brush -Brushes
-Box -Boxes
-Branch -Branches
-Glass -Glasses
-Mango -mangoes
-Tomato -Tomatoes
2. Apabila kata benda itu berakhiran huruf o yang didahului oleh huruf mati, maka bentuk pluralnya ditambah huruf es
Singular Plural
-Buffalo -Buffaloes
-Negro -Negroes
-Hero -Heroes
Singular Plural
-Radio -Radios
-Photo -Photos
-Piano -Pianos
3. Apabila kata benda itu berakhiran huruf y didahului oleh huruf mati (konsonan), maka y dirubah menjadi i, kemudian baru ditambah es
Singular Plural
-City -Cities
-Company -Companies
-Country -Countries
-Dity -Dities
-Lady -Ladies
4. Apabila kata benda itu berakhira huruf y yang didahului oleh huruf hidup, maka jamaknya hanya ditambah huruf s saja dan y tidak berubah.
Singular Plural
-Boy -Boys
-Day -Days
-Key -Keys
5. Apabila kata benda itu berakhiran huruf f dan fe, maka bentuk jamaknya huruf f dan fe dirubah menjadi ves
Singular Plural
-Knife -Knives
-Life -Lives
-Wife -Wives
-Leaf -Leaves
-Cliff -Cliffs
-Roof -Roofs
-Staff -Staffs
6. Ada beberapa kata benda yang mempunyai bentuk sama antara singular dan pluralnya.
Singular Plural
-Deer -Deer
-Fish -Fish
-Rubbish -Rubbish
7. Ada juga beberapa kata benda yang hanya mengalami perubahan hurufnya saja dalam bentuk jamaknya (pengecualian)
Singular Plural
-Goose -Geese
-Foot -Feet
-Mouse -Mice
-Child -Children
-Man -Men
-Tooth -Teeth
-Woman -Women
A. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung
Kata benda yang dapat dihitung dibedakan menjadi dua bagian yaitu:
1. Bilangan satu/tunggal disebut singular
2. Bilangan yang lebih dari satu (jamak) disebut plural
Pada umumnya kata benda dalam bentuk tunggal (singular) jika menjadi jamak (plural) dengan menambahkan s atau es pada kata benda tunggal.
Singular Plural
-Book -Books
-Dog -Dogs
-Cat -Cats
1. Apabila kata benda tersebut berakhiran huruf: s, sh, x, ch, dan o, maka dibelakang kata benda itu ditambah huruf es.
Singular Plural
-Brush -Brushes
-Box -Boxes
-Branch -Branches
-Glass -Glasses
-Mango -mangoes
-Tomato -Tomatoes
2. Apabila kata benda itu berakhiran huruf o yang didahului oleh huruf mati, maka bentuk pluralnya ditambah huruf es
Singular Plural
-Buffalo -Buffaloes
-Negro -Negroes
-Hero -Heroes
Singular Plural
-Radio -Radios
-Photo -Photos
-Piano -Pianos
3. Apabila kata benda itu berakhiran huruf y didahului oleh huruf mati (konsonan), maka y dirubah menjadi i, kemudian baru ditambah es
Singular Plural
-City -Cities
-Company -Companies
-Country -Countries
-Dity -Dities
-Lady -Ladies
4. Apabila kata benda itu berakhira huruf y yang didahului oleh huruf hidup, maka jamaknya hanya ditambah huruf s saja dan y tidak berubah.
Singular Plural
-Boy -Boys
-Day -Days
-Key -Keys
5. Apabila kata benda itu berakhiran huruf f dan fe, maka bentuk jamaknya huruf f dan fe dirubah menjadi ves
Singular Plural
-Knife -Knives
-Life -Lives
-Wife -Wives
-Leaf -Leaves
-Cliff -Cliffs
-Roof -Roofs
-Staff -Staffs
6. Ada beberapa kata benda yang mempunyai bentuk sama antara singular dan pluralnya.
Singular Plural
-Deer -Deer
-Fish -Fish
-Rubbish -Rubbish
7. Ada juga beberapa kata benda yang hanya mengalami perubahan hurufnya saja dalam bentuk jamaknya (pengecualian)
Singular Plural
-Goose -Geese
-Foot -Feet
-Mouse -Mice
-Child -Children
-Man -Men
-Tooth -Teeth
-Woman -Women
Kata benda ada 2, yaitu:
1. Kata benda berwujud (Concrete Noun)
Kata benda berwujud adalah kata benda yang dapat dilihat oleh mata dan dapat pula diraba oleh tangan. Jelasnya, kata yang dipergunakan untuk memberi nama suatu benda atau sesuatu yang dibendakan:
2. Kata benda tak berwujud (Abstrak Noun)
Kata benda tak berwujud adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dilihat atau diraba, tetapi hanya bisa dibayangkan saja.
Pembagian kata benda berwujud, antara lain kata benda tersendiri dan kata benda biasa.
1. Kata benda tersendiri (Proper noun)
Kata benda tersendiri selalu didahului huruf besar untuk nama-nama: kota, negara, perusahaan, orang, sekolah, dan nama tempat-tempat lainnya.
-Jakarta, Bangkok, Tokyo
-Dessy Ratnasari, Olgah Syahputra
2. Kata benda biasa (Common noun)
Kata benda tak berwujud dapat dibentuk dari kata kerja, kata sifat,dll
Contoh kata kerja menjadi kata kerja:
-To adjust = kata kerja
-Adjussment = abstract pronoun
-To agree = kata kerja
-Agreement = abstract pronoun
Kata benda tak berwujud yang berasal dari kata sifat (adjective) dengan menambahkan akhiran ness pada kata sifat tersebut.
Kata sifat Kata benda tak berwujud
-Polite -Politeness
-Sad -Sadness
Kata benda tak berwujud yang berasal dari kata benda biasa (common noun)
Kata benda biasa Kata benda tak berwujud
-Agent -Agency
-Champion -Championship
3. Kata benda kumpulan
Kata benda tersendiri selalu didahului huruf besar untuk nama: kota, negara, perusahaan, orang, sekolah, dan nama tempat.
4. Kata benda bahan baku (material noun)
Kata tersebut dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berasal dari bahan baku.
1. Kata benda berwujud (Concrete Noun)
Kata benda berwujud adalah kata benda yang dapat dilihat oleh mata dan dapat pula diraba oleh tangan. Jelasnya, kata yang dipergunakan untuk memberi nama suatu benda atau sesuatu yang dibendakan:
2. Kata benda tak berwujud (Abstrak Noun)
Kata benda tak berwujud adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dilihat atau diraba, tetapi hanya bisa dibayangkan saja.
Pembagian kata benda berwujud, antara lain kata benda tersendiri dan kata benda biasa.
1. Kata benda tersendiri (Proper noun)
Kata benda tersendiri selalu didahului huruf besar untuk nama-nama: kota, negara, perusahaan, orang, sekolah, dan nama tempat-tempat lainnya.
-Jakarta, Bangkok, Tokyo
-Dessy Ratnasari, Olgah Syahputra
2. Kata benda biasa (Common noun)
Kata benda tak berwujud dapat dibentuk dari kata kerja, kata sifat,dll
Contoh kata kerja menjadi kata kerja:
-To adjust = kata kerja
-Adjussment = abstract pronoun
-To agree = kata kerja
-Agreement = abstract pronoun
Kata benda tak berwujud yang berasal dari kata sifat (adjective) dengan menambahkan akhiran ness pada kata sifat tersebut.
Kata sifat Kata benda tak berwujud
-Polite -Politeness
-Sad -Sadness
Kata benda tak berwujud yang berasal dari kata benda biasa (common noun)
Kata benda biasa Kata benda tak berwujud
-Agent -Agency
-Champion -Championship
3. Kata benda kumpulan
Kata benda tersendiri selalu didahului huruf besar untuk nama: kota, negara, perusahaan, orang, sekolah, dan nama tempat.
4. Kata benda bahan baku (material noun)
Kata tersebut dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berasal dari bahan baku.
Selasa, 06 April 2010
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Bandung, 6 April 2010
Dear Tika
Hi, Tika how are you? Doing well is not it? I'm in Bandung in good health. Hopefully you will too. I miss you and other friends. For nearly 3 years is not met.
Tika, I heard that you want to be sent to Japan within the framework of student exchange. Is that true? If that's true, congratulations, good luck. I feel happy and proud to participate. Apparently you go to the Japanese desire to be organized. You must keep the spirit, do not waste this opportunity. In Japan, look after yourself properly. Say hello to other friends. If there is spare time I'm going to Jakarta. Arriving in Japan tell me. My first few letters of. Sorry if there are words or less pleased at the heart Tika. Goodbye.
Your friend,
Dear Tika
Hi, Tika how are you? Doing well is not it? I'm in Bandung in good health. Hopefully you will too. I miss you and other friends. For nearly 3 years is not met.
Tika, I heard that you want to be sent to Japan within the framework of student exchange. Is that true? If that's true, congratulations, good luck. I feel happy and proud to participate. Apparently you go to the Japanese desire to be organized. You must keep the spirit, do not waste this opportunity. In Japan, look after yourself properly. Say hello to other friends. If there is spare time I'm going to Jakarta. Arriving in Japan tell me. My first few letters of. Sorry if there are words or less pleased at the heart Tika. Goodbye.
Your friend,
Senin, 15 Maret 2010
This underwater river is in cenote Angelita, Mexico. There is a cave that if diselami up to 30 meters depth, the water is fresh water, but if you dive to the depth of more than 60 meters, the water becomes salt water. In essence there is a "river" complete with trees and foliage. But, of course it was not unusual because the river is a river of hydrogen sulfide layer that looks like a river.
It turned out that in the Lower River Marine Hydrogen Sulfide layer is DANGEROUS!
It turned out that in the Lower River Marine Hydrogen Sulfide layer is Dangerous [HOT NEWS Video] .. The phenomenon of the river below the sea mexico recently become a unique phenomenon that get so much attention in the internet world .. River under the sea. It is not scientifically possible. A diver, Anatoly Beloshchin, take a picture 'of the river under the sea' from the depth of 60 meters water cenote Angelita, Mexico.
As reported by crystalkiss.com, at a depth of more than 30 yards a team of divers to find fresh water in the middle of the ocean water column. Conditions changed and divers returned to find the sea water began to pass 60 meters depth. A few yards from the site will find a cave. At the bottom of the cave diving team discovered a river complete with trees and leaves that float in the water column.
It turned out that location is not the river, as seen on the mainland. However, the atmosphere was like a river complete with a layer of such colored water slightly brown. But wait, it's not brown fresh water comes from. Mentioned, like the brown river water is the bottom layer of hydrogen sulfide gas. Gas is usually produced from sewage.
Overall, the team's divers found the conditions very surprising and amazing to look at. "In the depths of 60 meters I found the water again. I saw a river, island, complete with falling leaves. But the river that we see is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas, "said Anatoly.
But the river that we see is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas, "said Anatoly.
The phenomenon of 'river' below sea feared Mexico could harm marine biota. Although still in the research, the gas hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the 'river so shit' it does not harm humans. "H2S or Hydrogen Sulfide is an acid, when mixed with sea water or salt contained in sea water, the gas could be harmful to marine biota, but is not harmful to humans," said Research and Technology Suharna Surapranata to VIVAnews.
This was stated in the preamble Suharna Surapranata at The 4th GEOSS Asia - Pacific Symposium, Denpasar, Bali, Wednesday, March 10, 2010, however, admitted Suharna natural phenomenon that is part of the vulcanology or the study of volcanoes, lava, magma and geological phenomena related.
"In Indonesia, it has never happened, but it is very possible that this phenomenon occurs because it is a natural phenomenon, and so far the research on underwater river has not finished, and still perform thematic mapping," he explained. Like known, 'river' that occurred under the ocean waters waters cenote Angelita, Mexico, at a depth of 60 meters was not a real river.
Brownish color as the river water is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas. But it was not a brown color comes from fresh water. Mentioned, like the brown river water is the bottom layer of hydrogen sulfide or H2S. Gas is usually produced from sewage. The atmosphere in the sea is like a river complete with a layer of such colored water slightly brown. There is a complete tree with fall leaves fall.
Diving at 100 'in the cenote Angelita in Tulum, it's a big sinkhole out in the jungle with a layer of gas trapped at around 90' which is caused by the Decomposing leaves and trees that fall in, I believe it's sulfur dioxide, and is somewhat poisonous if exposed to it for too long .... Youtube Angelita cenote Tulum Mexico ..
This underwater river is in cenote Angelita, Mexico. There is a cave that if diselami up to 30 meters depth, the water is fresh water, but if you dive to the depth of more than 60 meters, the water becomes salt water. In essence there is a "river" complete with trees and foliage. But, of course it was not unusual because the river is a river of hydrogen sulfide layer that looks like a river.
It turned out that in the Lower River Marine Hydrogen Sulfide layer is DANGEROUS!
It turned out that in the Lower River Marine Hydrogen Sulfide layer is Dangerous [HOT NEWS Video] .. The phenomenon of the river below the sea mexico recently become a unique phenomenon that get so much attention in the internet world .. River under the sea. It is not scientifically possible. A diver, Anatoly Beloshchin, take a picture 'of the river under the sea' from the depth of 60 meters water cenote Angelita, Mexico.
As reported by crystalkiss.com, at a depth of more than 30 yards a team of divers to find fresh water in the middle of the ocean water column. Conditions changed and divers returned to find the sea water began to pass 60 meters depth. A few yards from the site will find a cave. At the bottom of the cave diving team discovered a river complete with trees and leaves that float in the water column.
It turned out that location is not the river, as seen on the mainland. However, the atmosphere was like a river complete with a layer of such colored water slightly brown. But wait, it's not brown fresh water comes from. Mentioned, like the brown river water is the bottom layer of hydrogen sulfide gas. Gas is usually produced from sewage.
Overall, the team's divers found the conditions very surprising and amazing to look at. "In the depths of 60 meters I found the water again. I saw a river, island, complete with falling leaves. But the river that we see is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas, "said Anatoly.
But the river that we see is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas, "said Anatoly.
The phenomenon of 'river' below sea feared Mexico could harm marine biota. Although still in the research, the gas hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the 'river so shit' it does not harm humans. "H2S or Hydrogen Sulfide is an acid, when mixed with sea water or salt contained in sea water, the gas could be harmful to marine biota, but is not harmful to humans," said Research and Technology Suharna Surapranata to VIVAnews.
This was stated in the preamble Suharna Surapranata at The 4th GEOSS Asia - Pacific Symposium, Denpasar, Bali, Wednesday, March 10, 2010, however, admitted Suharna natural phenomenon that is part of the vulcanology or the study of volcanoes, lava, magma and geological phenomena related.
"In Indonesia, it has never happened, but it is very possible that this phenomenon occurs because it is a natural phenomenon, and so far the research on underwater river has not finished, and still perform thematic mapping," he explained. Like known, 'river' that occurred under the ocean waters waters cenote Angelita, Mexico, at a depth of 60 meters was not a real river.
Brownish color as the river water is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas. But it was not a brown color comes from fresh water. Mentioned, like the brown river water is the bottom layer of hydrogen sulfide or H2S. Gas is usually produced from sewage. The atmosphere in the sea is like a river complete with a layer of such colored water slightly brown. There is a complete tree with fall leaves fall.
Diving at 100 'in the cenote Angelita in Tulum, it's a big sinkhole out in the jungle with a layer of gas trapped at around 90' which is caused by the Decomposing leaves and trees that fall in, I believe it's sulfur dioxide, and is somewhat poisonous if exposed to it for too long .... Youtube Angelita cenote Tulum Mexico ..
Kamis, 11 Maret 2010
7 types of buyers / consumers following description:
1. Purchasers Apathy
Types of buyer apathy is the kind of people who never buy anything, and they also do not care how good your product, how cheap the product. Because basically the type of buyer has a pessimistic nature and cynical. They are usually people have a lot of personal problems that are not interested in our offer. So no need to waste too much time with this type but still be polite.
1. Mr Blake offered a sports product by a salesman. With a friendly sales explains the usefulness, quality and price of these products, but nothing as good as the sales of products that offer no effect for the teacher.
2. Bu Wati offered a beauty product by a salesperson. Prior sales that explains the use of these products, Bu Wati immediately rejected.
2. Self-actualization buyers
Purchasers self-actualization is the opposite of buyer apathy, this type of buyer knows exactly what they wanted, what benefits, how much, what they buy and they will get it soon. If you have what they want so they can immediately buy it, right then, without a lot of questions. This type is very positive, fun, and easy to deal. All you have to do with the product or service they need and the sales will occur. However, such types of buyers rather rare.
1. Purchasers of this model, already know what they want. Even if not yet know the brand, but when asked to describe what they seek and need, they are able.
2. Buyers who already know what they buy, usually will be loyal if they are satisfied with your service. Make them happy with the 3 pillars of business that you can make: a competitive price, which was operational rambling and perfect service.
3. Purchasers Analytical
This type is very detailed and thoughtful, and tend to be rather fussy. In dealing with this type of buyer takes patience because they will ask lots of questions to collect data and complete information as a means of making decisions. They will be carefully and compare with the products or other services. Dealing with the preparation of this type of information the facts, graphs, brochures, etc.. Do not try to exaggerate because they'll know and will ask for proof.
1. When he wanted to buy a computer, this type of buyer is considering the price and quality, and compare with similar products, which are much cheaper, and which ones are better.
2. Had to buy a product, type of buyer is full consideration whether these products will generate profits or not.
4. Purchaser Liaison
Type connecting buyers tend to be not too enthusiastic. And the communication with the buyer of this type have to be patient and slowly build a relationship. This type is very depend on the buyer and the views, opinions penggambilan other people in a decision to buy a product. Sometimes they really need opinions and suggestions about the products they would buy either of the family, colleagues, friends. As a salesperson if you're dealing with the type of connecting buyers then your job is to make haste to reassure them about your product by showing how anyone who has been buying and using your product. Connecting buyers usually professions such as teachers, administrative pengawai, doctors, nurses.
1. Kerosene distributors who buy kerosene for resale
2. Clothing distributors who buy clothes for resale
5. Purchasers Penyetir
This type is very focused on results, they will "to the point" and without preamble, they do not like to cultivate a relationship with you, because they only care what your product / service do for them. So focus on the presentation by showing the advantages of your products / services. They are usually job as a manager, executive, head of the branch. This type of buyer is very friendly, fast friendly, outgoing, and you will find no difficulty for building a relationship with them. This type of buyer is very quick to agree with you regardless of what the advantages of your products / services, but may be after a few days before / after purchase so they could have forgotten all about the topic of discussion with you.
1. Because seeing salesnya pretty or handsome, this type of buyer will directly buy regardless of what the pros of the product being offered such sales.
2. Type easily seduced buyers.
6. Purchasers who liked socializing
This type of buyer is very friendly, fun, likes to talk and relate to sales. Sometimes they are too quickly agreed and bought their home was feeling happy, so do not note the details. Even if they do not want to buy they will refuse even subtly help us to find another buyer.
7. Impulsive buyer
This type of buyer can be said to be very emotional urge to have something, for example if there is launching new product / service such as cars, watches, mob, outfit it is they who are the first person who was always ready to make a try.
1. There are no plans to buy, but went into a store. Looking through my bag for example, are interested then buy. While not need a bag, they felt compelled to buy. This type of buyer as the desire to play in the sector rather than needs.
2. Purchasers who do not need shoes, but when he saw there was a good shoe with a relatively cheap price, he immediately compelled to buy.
8. Purchasers Informative
This type of buyer is very selection of products / services they would buy. Usually this type will find out about the products / services they would buy through a range of information such as the Internet, the experts nanya, nanya to those who have never used it. If you're dealing with the type of buyer, informative then your job is to do a presentation in a professional, clear, concise. Usually these types of informative very high sense of loyalty at all and they will buy from you and are willing to recommend your products / services.
1. Before you buy HP Ani, he first did a survey through the Internet, how to price and quality.
2. Adinda Ponds purchase recommendation from a friend.
1. Purchasers Apathy
Types of buyer apathy is the kind of people who never buy anything, and they also do not care how good your product, how cheap the product. Because basically the type of buyer has a pessimistic nature and cynical. They are usually people have a lot of personal problems that are not interested in our offer. So no need to waste too much time with this type but still be polite.
1. Mr Blake offered a sports product by a salesman. With a friendly sales explains the usefulness, quality and price of these products, but nothing as good as the sales of products that offer no effect for the teacher.
2. Bu Wati offered a beauty product by a salesperson. Prior sales that explains the use of these products, Bu Wati immediately rejected.
2. Self-actualization buyers
Purchasers self-actualization is the opposite of buyer apathy, this type of buyer knows exactly what they wanted, what benefits, how much, what they buy and they will get it soon. If you have what they want so they can immediately buy it, right then, without a lot of questions. This type is very positive, fun, and easy to deal. All you have to do with the product or service they need and the sales will occur. However, such types of buyers rather rare.
1. Purchasers of this model, already know what they want. Even if not yet know the brand, but when asked to describe what they seek and need, they are able.
2. Buyers who already know what they buy, usually will be loyal if they are satisfied with your service. Make them happy with the 3 pillars of business that you can make: a competitive price, which was operational rambling and perfect service.
3. Purchasers Analytical
This type is very detailed and thoughtful, and tend to be rather fussy. In dealing with this type of buyer takes patience because they will ask lots of questions to collect data and complete information as a means of making decisions. They will be carefully and compare with the products or other services. Dealing with the preparation of this type of information the facts, graphs, brochures, etc.. Do not try to exaggerate because they'll know and will ask for proof.
1. When he wanted to buy a computer, this type of buyer is considering the price and quality, and compare with similar products, which are much cheaper, and which ones are better.
2. Had to buy a product, type of buyer is full consideration whether these products will generate profits or not.
4. Purchaser Liaison
Type connecting buyers tend to be not too enthusiastic. And the communication with the buyer of this type have to be patient and slowly build a relationship. This type is very depend on the buyer and the views, opinions penggambilan other people in a decision to buy a product. Sometimes they really need opinions and suggestions about the products they would buy either of the family, colleagues, friends. As a salesperson if you're dealing with the type of connecting buyers then your job is to make haste to reassure them about your product by showing how anyone who has been buying and using your product. Connecting buyers usually professions such as teachers, administrative pengawai, doctors, nurses.
1. Kerosene distributors who buy kerosene for resale
2. Clothing distributors who buy clothes for resale
5. Purchasers Penyetir
This type is very focused on results, they will "to the point" and without preamble, they do not like to cultivate a relationship with you, because they only care what your product / service do for them. So focus on the presentation by showing the advantages of your products / services. They are usually job as a manager, executive, head of the branch. This type of buyer is very friendly, fast friendly, outgoing, and you will find no difficulty for building a relationship with them. This type of buyer is very quick to agree with you regardless of what the advantages of your products / services, but may be after a few days before / after purchase so they could have forgotten all about the topic of discussion with you.
1. Because seeing salesnya pretty or handsome, this type of buyer will directly buy regardless of what the pros of the product being offered such sales.
2. Type easily seduced buyers.
6. Purchasers who liked socializing
This type of buyer is very friendly, fun, likes to talk and relate to sales. Sometimes they are too quickly agreed and bought their home was feeling happy, so do not note the details. Even if they do not want to buy they will refuse even subtly help us to find another buyer.
7. Impulsive buyer
This type of buyer can be said to be very emotional urge to have something, for example if there is launching new product / service such as cars, watches, mob, outfit it is they who are the first person who was always ready to make a try.
1. There are no plans to buy, but went into a store. Looking through my bag for example, are interested then buy. While not need a bag, they felt compelled to buy. This type of buyer as the desire to play in the sector rather than needs.
2. Purchasers who do not need shoes, but when he saw there was a good shoe with a relatively cheap price, he immediately compelled to buy.
8. Purchasers Informative
This type of buyer is very selection of products / services they would buy. Usually this type will find out about the products / services they would buy through a range of information such as the Internet, the experts nanya, nanya to those who have never used it. If you're dealing with the type of buyer, informative then your job is to do a presentation in a professional, clear, concise. Usually these types of informative very high sense of loyalty at all and they will buy from you and are willing to recommend your products / services.
1. Before you buy HP Ani, he first did a survey through the Internet, how to price and quality.
2. Adinda Ponds purchase recommendation from a friend.
Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010
Needs Life
As a human being, human beings have needs. The need is called necessities of life. If their needs are not met then life interrupted.
In life, people need different types and kinds of goods and services to meet their needs. Humans from birth to death is inseparable from the need for everything. To obtain needed goods necessary sacrifices to get it.
Why do people have to work? Man must work to make ends meet, so I can eat and drink, because the human body will die if he does not eat and drink. In addition to primary needs, human needs of secondary and tertiary needs, because humans have a soul that dynamic and growing, have a passion and ideals.
This modern era of money is sought and tools needed to meet the necessities of life. Living creatures, especially human beings depends on the money, if there is any money it needs can be met. Humans try and work to earn money.
Modern human life needs to be split 3 categories and increases with the level of human civilization is the need for primary, secondary and tertiary.
1. Primary Needs
Primary need is a mandatory requirement to be fulfilled. Examples are like the nine staple food / groceries, homes, clothing, and so forth.
2. Secondary Needs
Secondary needs is a necessary requirement of the primary basic needs have been met with good things. Secondary needs to support its primary needs. For example as a good education, good clothing, good housing, and so forth that are not in the luxury category.
3. Requirements Tertiary / Luxury / Lux
Tertiary needs are human needs of its luxury, not simple and excessive arising after the fulfillment of primary needs and the needs secondary. Examples are cars, satellite dishes, laptops, and notebooks.
As a human being, human beings have needs. The need is called necessities of life. If their needs are not met then life interrupted.
In life, people need different types and kinds of goods and services to meet their needs. Humans from birth to death is inseparable from the need for everything. To obtain needed goods necessary sacrifices to get it.
Why do people have to work? Man must work to make ends meet, so I can eat and drink, because the human body will die if he does not eat and drink. In addition to primary needs, human needs of secondary and tertiary needs, because humans have a soul that dynamic and growing, have a passion and ideals.
This modern era of money is sought and tools needed to meet the necessities of life. Living creatures, especially human beings depends on the money, if there is any money it needs can be met. Humans try and work to earn money.
Modern human life needs to be split 3 categories and increases with the level of human civilization is the need for primary, secondary and tertiary.
1. Primary Needs
Primary need is a mandatory requirement to be fulfilled. Examples are like the nine staple food / groceries, homes, clothing, and so forth.
2. Secondary Needs
Secondary needs is a necessary requirement of the primary basic needs have been met with good things. Secondary needs to support its primary needs. For example as a good education, good clothing, good housing, and so forth that are not in the luxury category.
3. Requirements Tertiary / Luxury / Lux
Tertiary needs are human needs of its luxury, not simple and excessive arising after the fulfillment of primary needs and the needs secondary. Examples are cars, satellite dishes, laptops, and notebooks.
Jumat, 05 Maret 2010
First President, Ir. Sukarno (1945-1966)
The first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, who was called Bung Karno, was born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 and died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. During his life, he has three wives and has eight children. Fatmawati wife of a son of Thunder, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati and Thunder. From wife Hartini has Taufan and Bayu, while the wife Ratna Sari Dewi, the woman called the original Japanese derivatives Naoko Nemoto Kartika have children ..
Sukarno's childhood just a few years living with his parents in Blitar. During elementary school until graduation, he lived in Surabaya, room and board at home Tokroaminoto Haji Said Kung, founder of the veteran politician Syarikat Islam. Then go back to school in the HBS (Hoogere Burger School). While studying at HBS that of Sukarno has galvanized nationalist spirit. After graduating HBS in 1920, moved to Bandung, and continue to THS (Technische Hoogeschool High school or technical knowledge is now the ITB). He earned the title "Ir" on May 25, 1926.
Then, he formulated and established the doctrine Marhaenisme PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia) on July 4, 1927, with the aim of an independent Indonesia. As a result, the Netherlands, put into prison Sukamiskin, Bandung on December 29, 1929. Eight months later a new trial. In his defense, entitled Indonesia Sue, he showed apostasy Netherlands, a nation that claims it is more advanced.
Defense that made the Dutch more and more angry. So in July 1930, the PNI was dissolved. Once free in 1931, Sukarno joined the Partindo and at the same time lead. As a result, he re-arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Ende, Flores, in 1933. Four years later moved to Bengkulu.
After a long struggle, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945. In the trial BPUPKI June 1, 1945, expressed Ir.Soekarno basic idea of what he called the Pancasila state. August 17, 1945, Ir Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. In the trial PPKI, August 18, 1945 Ir.Soekarno unanimously elected as President of the Republic of Indonesia first.
Previously, he also managed to formulate the Pancasila became the basis of (ideological) Unitary Republic of Indonesia. He seeks to unite the archipelago. Even Sukarno tried to gather the nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America with the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955 which later evolved into the Non-Aligned Movement.
Rebellion G.30.S./PKI delivery great political crisis that led to rejection of the Assembly of accountability. Instead MPR raised Soeharto as Acting President. His health continued to deteriorate, which on Sunday, June 21, 1970 he died at the army hospital. He was buried at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java near the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Menganugerahkannya government as a "Hero of the Proclamation"
President Second, Suharto (1966-19980)
Suharto was the second President of the Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta, on June 8, 1921. His father named Kertosudiro a farmer who is also the assistant headman of the village rice field irrigation, while his mother was Sukirah.
Suharto entered the school when I was eight years old, but often moved. Originally schooled in the Village School (SD) Tens, Godean. Then moved to SD Pedes, because her mother and her husband, Mr. Pramono moved house, to the South Kemusuk. However, Mr. Kertosudiro then move it to Wuryantoro. Suharto placed in his sister's house who was married to Prawirowihardjo, an orderly farm.
Until finally selected to be a soldier in the school model non-commissioned officer, Gombong, Central Java in 1941. He officially became a member of the TNI on October 5, 1945. In 1947, Suharto was married with a child Siti Hartinah Mangkunegaran employees.
Col. Perkimpoian Siti Hartinah Suharto and was held on December 26, 1947 in Solo. It was the age of 26 years of Suharto and Hartinah 24 years. They had six sons and daughters; Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Siti Hediati Herijadi, Hutomo Mandala Putra and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih.
General Big H.M. Suharto had walked a long way in the military and political career. In military, starting from Soeharto's army sergeant KNIL, then commander of PETA, the regimental commander with the rank of Major and Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel.
In 1949, he successfully led his forces retake the city of Yogyakarta from Dutch colonizers hand at the time. He also had been a Guard Commander in Chief Sudirman. It also had become Commander Mandala (liberation of West Irian).
October 1, 1965, eruption G.30.S./PKI. Suharto took over leadership of the Army. Besides confirmed as Army Commander, General Suharto was appointed by President Sukarno Pangkopkamtib. In March 1966, General Soeharto received a warrant March 11 from President Sukarno. His job, restore security and order and safeguard the teachings of the Great Leader of the Revolution, Bung Karno.
Because of the deteriorating political situation after the outbreak of G.30.S./PKI, MPRS Special Session, March 1967, appointed Soeharto as Acting President, was confirmed as the Second President, in March 1968. Soeharto ruled for more than three decades through the election six times, until he resigned, May 21, 1998.
Both the Resident RI HM Soeharto died at 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008. Great General Assembly awarded the honor as the Father of National Development, died at the age of 87 years after being treated for 24 days (from 4 to January 27, 2008) in Central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP), Jakarta.
News Soeharto's death was first informed Kapolsek Kebayoran Baru, Kompol. Dicky Sonandi, in Jakarta, Sunday (27 / 1). The team then formally submit the Presidency Dr. press release about the death of President Soeharto at precisely 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008 at RSPP Jakarta due to multiple organ failure.
Then approximately 14:40 o'clock, the corpse of former President Suharto to depart from the RSPP to the residence at number 8 Jalan Cendana, Menteng, Jakarta. Ambulance that carried the body of Soeharto's family accompanied by a number of vehicles and relatives and bodyguards. A number of journalists surged over when a convoy of vehicles was moving toward Cendana, resulted in a hit television journalist.
On the Cape and along Cendana thousands of people welcomed the arrival of a convoy of vehicles carrying Soeharto's body. Citizens sobs broke out as a series of vehicles that carry the body of former President Suharto into Cendana, at approximately 14:55, Sunday (27 / 1).
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla and a number of ministers who were following a limited cabinet meeting on food security, made a press conference for 3 minutes and 28 seconds at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Sunday (27 / 1). President convey deep condolences over the death of former President Haji Mohammad Suharto's second.
Third President, Habibie (1998-1999)
The third President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Habibie Bacharuddin born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He is the fourth child of eight children, spouse Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie, who is married to Hasri Ainun Habibie on May 12, 1962 was blessed with two sons namely Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.
Habibie childhood through with his brothers in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. Nature firmly adhered to the principle has been shown Habibie since childhood. Habibie, who had a penchant for this ride, should lose his father who died on 3 September 1950 because of a heart attack. Shortly after his father dies, Habibie moved to Bandung to study at the School Gouvernments Middlebare. In high school, he began to look outstanding achievements, especially in the exact sciences lessons. Habibie became a favorite figure in her school.
After graduating high school in bandung in 1954, he entered the University of Indonesia in Bandung (ITB now). He received his diploma from the Technische Hochschule, Germany in 1960 which then get gekar Doctorate from the same place in 1965. Habibie was married in 1962, and has two children. In 1967, became Professor of honor (Professor) at the Institut Teknologi Bandung. Habibie steps much admired, full of controversy, many admirers but no less did not agree with him. Each time, winning the prestigious Theodore Van Karman Award, was returned from the "habitat" of Germany, he always made the news. Habibie's only a year studying at ITB Bandung, 10 years of college to Ph.D. aircraft construction in Germany with summa cum laude. Then worked in the aircraft industry leading MBB GmbH Germany, prior to the call of President Suharto to return to Indonesia.
In Indonesia, Habibie served 20 years of Research and Technology Minister of State / Head of BPPT, leading 10 state-owned company of Strategic Industries, the Assembly elected a Vice President, and sworn in by Chief Justice to replace President Suharto. Suharto handed the presidency to Habibie on the basis of Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution. Until finally forced Habibie also stepped down from the refrendum East Timor chose independence. Accountability speech was rejected MPR. He went back to ordinary citizens, also migrate settled back to Germany.
Some of his work in calculating and designing several aircraft manufacturing project:
* VTOL (Vertical Take Off & Landing) Aircraft Carrier DO-31.
* Military Transport Aircraft C-130 Transall.
* Hansa Jet 320 (Aircraft Executive).
* Airbus A-300 (to 300 passengers)
* CN - 235
* N-250
* And indirectly participated in the count and design:
• BO-105 helicopter.
• Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA.)
• Some of the missile and satellite projects.
Some Signs Services / honors:
* 1976 - 1998 Director of PT. Nusantara Aircraft Industry / IPTN.
* 1978 - 1998 Minister of State for Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia.
* Chairman of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology / BPPT
* 1978 - 1998 Director of PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero).
* 1978 - 1998 Chairman of the Industrial Development Authority Batam Island / Opdip Batam.
* 1980 - 1998 Chairman of the Industrial Development Team Defense and Security (Presidential Decree. 40, 1980)
* 1983 - 1998 Director, PT Pindad (Persero).
* 1988 - 1998 Vice Chairman of Board of Trustees Strategic Industries.
* 1989 - 1998 Chairman of the Strategic Industries Management / BPIS.
* 1990 - 1998 Chairman of the Association of Muslim Scholars se-lndonesia/lCMI.
* Daily 1993 Presidium Coordinator, Board of Trustees of Golkar.
* 10 March to 20 May 1998 Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
* May 21, 1998 - October 1999 President of the Republic of Indonesia
Fourth president, Abdurrahman Wahid (1999-2001)
Gus Dur is the first son of six children born Denanyar Jombang in East Java on August 4, 1940. Gus Dur is genetically a descendant of "blue blood". His father, K.H. Wahid Hasyim is the son of K.H. Hasyim Ash'ari, the founder jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia, and the founder of Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang. Mother, Ny. Hj. Sholehah is the daughter of the founder of Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, KH Bisri Syamsuri. Maternal grandfather was also an NU leader, who became Rais' Aam NU after KH Abdul Wahab Hasbullah. Thus, Gus Dur is the grandson of two of NU clerics at a time, and two Indonesian national figures.
In 1949, when the clash with the Dutch government has ended, his father was appointed the first Minister of Religious Affairs, Wahid Hasyim, so the family moved to Jakarta. Thus the new atmosphere has been entered. The guests, consisting of the characters, with various professional fields, which previously had been found in her grandfather's house, when her father continued to be Minister of religion. This special experience for a child named Abdurrahman Wahid. Indirectly, Gus Dur also began to meet with the political world has heard from his father's colleagues who often hung in his house.
Since childhood, she has marked the various cues that Gus Dur will experience a different line of life and have a full awareness of the responsibility of the NU. In April 1953, Gus Dur went with his father drove to the West Java region to inaugurate the new madrasa. Somewhere along the mountains between Cimahi and Bandung, the car accident. Gus Dur can be saved, but his father died. His father's death brings its own influence in his life.
In daily life, Gus Dur has a penchant for reading and diligent use of his private library. He was also active in visiting public keperpustakaan in Jakarta. In their teens Gus Dur has been familiar with a variety of magazines, newspapers, novels and books is rather serious. The works are read by Gus Dur is not only the stories, the main story and the martial arts fiction, but the discourse of philosophy and documents overseas perhatianya not escape. In addition to reading, this one is good character also play football, chess and music. Thus, no wonder if Gus Dur had asked to be a football commentator on television. Another indulgence, who joined also completed his hobby is watching movies. This penchant for causing a deep appreciation of the film world. This is why Gu Dur in the year 1986-1987 was appointed as chairman of the Indonesian Film Festival jury.
Gus Dur's adolescence was spent largely in Yogyakarta and Tegalrejo. In two places is the development of science began to rise. The next period, Gus Dur live in Jombang, the Pesantren Pond Rice, until then continued his studies in Egypt. Before leaving for Egypt, his uncle had melamarkan a girl for him, namely Haji child Sinta Nuriyah Muh. Sakur. Perkimpoiannya executed when he was in Egypt.
Educational Experience
First time learning, small Wahid studied in the grandfather, KH Hasyim Ash'ari. While living with his grandfather, he taught the Koran and read the Koran. In the age of five years he has been well read the Koran. By the time his father moved to Jakarta, in addition to formal learning in school, Gus Dur is also followed in Dutch private tutoring. Tutor named William Buhl, a German who had converted to Islam, who changed his name to Alexander. To add the Dutch language lessons, Buhl always feature the usual classical music enjoyed by adults. This is the first time Gu Dur contiguity with the Western world and from here also Gus Dur became interested and loved classical music.
After graduating from elementary school, Wahid sent his parents to study in Yogyakarta. In 1953 he entered SMEP (First High School of Economics) Gowongan, while at boarding school mondok Krapyak. The school is even managed by the Roman Catholic Church, but the full use secular curriculum. At this school is also the first time Gus Dur learn English. Because they feel constrained to live in a world of boarding school, he finally asked to move to town and stay at home Haji Junaidi, a local leader of Muhammadiyah and influential people in SMEP. Regular activity, after morning prayers in the Koran KH Ma'shum Krapyak, the school day in SMEP, and at night he joined a discussion along with Haji Junaidi and other members of the Muhammadiyah.
After graduating from SMEP Wahid continued his studies at the Islamic School Tegarejo Magelang Central Java. Pesantren are cared for by K.H. Chudhari, humanist figure kyai, pious and beloved teacher. This is what Chudhari Kyai Wahid introduced by Sufi rites and practices instill a mystical ritual. Under the guidance of this kyais also, Wahid began making pilgrimages to the sacred graves of the saints in Java. At the time of entry into this pesantren, Wahid took the entire collection of books, which makes students, other students amazed. At this time also Gus Dur has been able to demonstrate ability in berhumor and talk. In connection with this last one is an interesting story that deserves revealed in this exposure is to show great imtihan-party held before the fasting during the complete separation of students completing the learning-by providing food and beverage and entertainment bring all the people, such as: Gamelan , traditional dances, horse lumping, Jathilan, and so on. Clearly, such entertainments mentioned above is very taboo for the world at large boarding school. However, it exists and occurs in Pesantren Tegalrejo.
After spending two years at boarding school Tegalrejo, Wahid moved back to Jombang, and lived in boarding Rice Pond. At that time he was approaching 20 years, so in his uncle's boarding school, KH Abdul Fatah, he became a ustadz, and became head of security. At the age of 22 years, Wahid left for the holy land, to perform the pilgrimage, which is then passed to Egypt to continue his studies at the University of al-Azhar. First time up in Egypt, he was disappointed not to be directly included in al-Azhar University, but must go Aliyah (sort of preparatory school). At school he was bored, having to repeat courses that have been taken in Indonesia. To eliminate boredom, Gus Dur is often visited libraries and information centers of America (USIS) and bookstores where he can get the books you want.
However, enthusiasm for learning Wahid did not recede. The proof in 1979, Gus Dur was offered to study to a university in Australia to mendapatkkan doctorate. However, good intentions can not be fulfilled, for all promoters can not afford, and menggangap that Wahid does not require that title.
Pegembaraanya return from seeking knowledge, Wahid returned to Jombang and chose to be a teacher. In 1971, these young people joined the Faculty of the University of Sugarcane Ushuludin Ireng Jombang. Three years later he became secretary Ireng Pesantren Tebu, and in the same year Gus Dur was becoming a writer. He returned to his talent sebagaii writer and columnist. Through these writings Wahid thinking ideas start getting attention of many. Djohan Efendi, a leading intellectual of his time, considered that Gus Dur is a digestive, digest all the ideas he had read, and then absorbed into their own thoughts.
In 1974 Wahid was asked his uncle, K.H. Yusuf Hasyim to assist in Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang with a secretary. From this starting Wahid often get invited to be keynote speaker at a number of religious discussion and kepesantrenan, both at home and abroad. Wahid further involved in the activities of NGOs.
In 1979, Wahid moved to Jakarta. At first he pioneered the Pesantren Ciganjur. While in the early 1980s as Wahid's vice-Katib believed NU Syria. Wahid here involved in discussions and serious debate about religious issues, social and political in many circles across religion, ethnicity and discipline. Gus Dur's more serious writing and wrestling with the world, both in the field of culture, politics, and Islamic thought. Careers that are considered 'menyimpang'-in his capacity as a religious figure as well as the NU-board and invite scorn when he became chairman of the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) on tahunn 1983. He also became chairman of the jury of the Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) in 1986, 1987.
In 1984, Gus Dur unanimously selected by a team of ahl al-hall wa'aqdi chaired by KH As'ad Syamsul Arifin a position in the general chairman of NU at the 27th congress in Situbondo. Re-affirmed the position in the 28th congress in pesantren Krapyak Yogyakarta (1989), and Cipasung convention in West Java (1994). NU chairman position is then released when the president Wahid of Indonesia to 4. Although the president, the nyleneh of Gus Dur is not lost, even more known by the whole society. In the past, perhaps only certain communities, particularly the feeling among the controversy nahdliyin ideas. Now the entire Indonesian nation come to think of ideas that the controversy raised by KH Abdurrahman Wahid
Fifth President, Megawati (2001-2004)
President of the Republic of Indonesia 5, Megawati Sukarnoputri was born in Yogyakarta, January 23, 1947. Before elected as president, he was Vice President of the 8th under Abdurrahman Wahid administration. Megawati is the eldest daughter of the first President who was also proclaimer, Sukarno and Fatmawati. Megawati, was originally married to a pilot Lieutenant airforce pilots, Surendro and had two sons named Mohammad Prananda and Mohammad Rizki Pratama.
At a military assignment, in 1970, in Eastern Indonesia, a pilot Surendro with military aircraft missing in action. Unparalleled suffering, while small children and babies. However, the pain was not prolonged, three years later married a man Mega named Taufik Kiemas, origin Ogan Komiring Ulu, Palembang. Happy family life increases, with blessed with a daughter Puan Maharani. Megawati's childhood life was spent in the State Palace. Since childhood, Megawati was nimble and likes to play soccer with his brother Guntur. For girls, Megawati had a hobby and is often shown dancing in front of state guests who visited the Palace.
Women's full name Dyah Permata Megawati Sukarnoputri is to start his education, from elementary to high school at the University Cikini, Jakarta. Meanwhile, he had studied at the two Universities, the Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Bandung (1965-1967) and the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia (1970-1972). Although born of an excellent politician's family, Mbak Mega - close call his supporters - are not somewhat versed in the political world. In fact, Megawati had one eye is seen by friends and political opponents. He even considered a newcomer in the political arena, the new in 1987. At that time the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) placing it as one of legislative candidates from electoral districts of Central Java, to boost the sound.
Megawati entrance into the political arena, meaning he has to deny his family agreement not to go into politics. Political trauma that the family ditabraknya. Megawati appeared to be the belle of the PDI in the campaign, although classified as not much to say. Was indeed successful. Vote for the PDI rises. And he was elected to parliament. In the same year was elected as Chairman of Megawati PDI Central Jakarta.
However, Megawati's presence at Parliament House does not seem to feel. Apparently, Megawati knows that he is still under pressure. In addition to nature's quiet, even belaiu chose not to stand out considering the political situation at that time. So more belaiu choose to do political lobbying outside the building representatives. Political lobby, a silent operation, it directly or indirectly, has led to the publication of Mega star in the political world. In 1993 he was elected as Chairman of the PDI. This is a great shock to the government at that time.
Mega rise this process is an interesting story too. At that time, the PDI Congress in Medan ended without producing any decisions. Government supports replacing Budi Hardjono Soerjadi. Then, followed by the Extraordinary Congress held in Surabaya. At this congress, Megawati's name appears and is soundly beat Budi Hardjono, candidates backed by the government. Megawati was elected as Chairman of the PDI. Then Mega status as Chairman of the PDI strengthened again by the National Congress of the PDI in Jakarta.
But the government refused and considered invalid. Therefore, the next trip, the government supports Mega pry power as Chairman of the PDI. Fatimah Ahmad et al, for government support, organized the PDI Congress in Medan in 1996, to raise the back Soerjadi. But Mega is not easily conquered. Because Mega firmly states do not recognize the Medan Congress. Mega firmly declared himself as the Chairman of the PDI is valid. PDI headquarters on Jalan Diponegoro, as a symbol of the legitimate existence of the DPP, controlled by the Mega. The Megawati supporters do not want to recede a single step. They keep trying to maintain the office.
Government-backed Soerjadi also provide a threat to seize by force the PDI office. The threat became reality. Morning, on July 27, 1996 Soerjadi group actually took the PDI headquarters of Megawati supporters. However, it did not discourage Mega step. In fact, he hoisted step further strengthen the resistance. Great political pressure on Megawati's naked, menundang empathy and sympathy from the wider community.
Mega keep fighting. PDI became two. Namely, the PDI leader Megawati and the PDI leadership Soerjadi. PDI is more impartial and admitted Mega. However, the government admitted Soerjadi as PDI chairman legitimate. As a result, PDI leader Megawati could not participate in 1997 elections. After the New Order regime collapsed, PDI Mega changed its name to PDI Struggle. Political parties bearing bull-mouthed fat white and won 1999 elections by taking more than thirty percent of the vote. The victory puts PDIP Megawati at least deserves a position as president than any other party cadres. But it was in the MPR 1999, Megawati lost.
However, both positions are apparently a later stage in time for Mega establish the position as number one in this country. For less than two years, the exact date of July 23, 2001 members of the Assembly unanimously places to sit as President Megawati of Indonesia to replace 5 KH Abdurrahman Wahid. Megawati became president until October 20, 2003. Having finished his term of office, Megawati re-run for president in a direct presidential election in 2004. However, he failed to return as president after losing to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who eventually became President of the Republic of Indonesia to 6.
Sixth President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2014)
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the president of RI to-6. Unlike the previous president, he was the first president directly elected by the people in the Second round of Presidential Election 20 September 2004. Best graduates academy (1973) is familiarly called SBY was born in Pacitan, East Java, 9 September 1949. His wife was named Christian Herawati, is the third daughter of the late Gen. (Ret.) Sarwo Edhi Wibowo.
Retired four-star general was the only child of the couple R. Soekotjo and Sitti Habibah. Blood soldiers down from his father who retired as a lieutenant. While his mother, Sitti Habibah, the daughter of one of the founders Ponpes Tremas. He had two sons, namely Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (follow and emulate, and traces of SBY achievements, graduating from Akmil in 2000 with the award-winning Star Adhi Makayasa) and Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (best graduates Taruna Nusantara, Magelang who pursue science and economics).
SR Education is footing most determining future in SBY. When sitting in fifth grade, he knew for the first time and familiar with the name of the National Military Academy (AMN), Magelang, Central Java. AMN later changed its name to Akabri. SBY in Pacitan Junior High School, located in the south of the square. This is a role model school for children Pacitan City. Attitude inherited his father's harsh discipline, SBY struggling to realize the ideals of her childhood into the army with the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic of Indonesia (Akabri) after graduating high school end of 1968. However, due to late register, SBY is not directly go Akabri. So SBY also had been a student of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering 10 November Surabaya (ITS).
But then, chose SBY School Teachers in Further Education First (PGSLP) in Malang, East Java. While studying in Malang PGSLP that, he prepared himself to enter Akabri. In 1970, finally entered Akabri in Magelang, Central Java, after receiving final exam in Bandung. SBY one armed with Agus Wirahadikusumah, Ryamizard Ryacudu, and Prabowo Subianto. During his education, who earned the nickname SBY giraffe, very prominent. Proven, belaiu achieve Akabri predicate best graduates received awards in 1973 with a badge Makasaya Adhi.
Continued his military education at the Airborne and Ranger Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA (1976), Infantry Officer Advanced Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA (1982-1983) by taking honors graduate, Jungle Warfare Training in Panama (1983), Anti Tank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany (1984), Battalion Commander Course in Bandung (1985), Seskoad at Bandung (1988-1989) and Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA (1990-1991). Obtained an MA degree from Webster University USA. Military career, beginning with the took office as the Airborne And Yonif Tonpan Kostrad 330 (Platoon Commander III in Rifle Company A, Battalion Airborne Infantry 330/Tri Dharma, Kostrad) in 1974-1976, directly in charge of about 30 soldiers.
330 Airborne Battalion is one of the three battalions in the Brigade, 17th Airborne Infantry Kujang I / Kostrad, which has a fragrance in various military operations. It is the third battalion Airborne Infantry Battalion 330/Tri Dharma, Airborne Infantry Battalion 328/Dirgahayu, and the Airborne Infantry Battalion 305/Tengkorak. English fluency, making selected following an air traffic (airborne) and education commandos (ranger) at the Army Education Center United States, Ford Benning, Georgia, 1975. Returning then to the ground water, SBY took office, Platoon Commander of A Company Second Battalion of Airborne 305/Tengkorak (And Tonpan Yonif Kostrad 305) in 1976-1977. He also led the platoon was fighting in East Timor.
On his return from East Timor, SBY to 81 Mortar Platoon Commander Airborne Yonif Kostrad 330 (1977). After that, he was placed as 17th Airborne Pasi-2/Ops Mabrigif Kujang I Kostrad (1977-1978), and 330 Airborne Yonif Kipan Kostrad (1979-1981), and SOPs Paban SUAD Young (1981-1982). When he served in the Army Headquarters, it had a chance SBY back to the United States schools. From 1982 to 1983, he followed the Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1982-1983 and internship-On the job training in the 82-nd Airbone Division, Fort Bragg, USA, 1983. Then follow the Jungle Warfare School, Panama, 1983 and Antitank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany, 1984, and Battalion Command Course, 1985. At the same time served as commander of SBY Coach Infantry School (1983-1985)
Then he believed was And Checkers 744 Yonif IX / Udayana (1986-1988) and SOPs Madyalat Dam Paban IX / Udayana (1988), before joining the education in Command and Staff College Army (Seskoad) in Bandung and out as the best graduate Seskoad 1989. SBY also could be Seskoad Lecturer (1989-1992), and placed in the Department of the Army Information (Dispenad) with tasks such as making speeches Army Chief General Edi Sudradjat. Then when Edi Sudradjat served the armed forces, he was drawn to the Headquarters of the Armed Forces to become Coordinator of Personal Staff (Korspri) Armed Forces Commander General Edi Sudradjat (1993).
Then, he again served in combat units, was appointed Commander of the Airborne Infantry Brigade (And Brigif Airborne) 17 Kujang I / Strategic Reserve Command (1993-1994) together with the LTC Riyamizard Ryacudu. Later served Asops Kodam Jaya (1994-1995) and Danrem 072/Pamungkas Kodam IV / Diponegoro (1995). Soon after, SBY is believed served to Bosnia and Herzegovina to become an officer in the United Nations (1995). He served as head of the UN Military Observers (Chief Military Observer United Nations Protection Force), which oversees the truce in the former Yugoslavia by Dayton agreement, the United States between Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina. After returning from Bosnia, he was appointed as Chief of Staff Kodam Jaya (1996). Later served as Regional Commander II / Sriwijaya (1996-1997) and Chairman and Chief Bakorstanasda Armed Forces faction Assembly (MPR Special Session in 1998) before becoming Chief of Staff of the Territorial (caster) Armed Forces (1998-1999).
Meanwhile, his political career step to begin on January 27, 2000, when deciding to retire early from the military when he believed served as Minister of Mines and Energy in the government of President KH Abdurrahman Wahid. Soon after, SBY was forced to leave his position as Mentamben because Gus Dur was asked Menkopolsoskam. On August 10, 2001, President Megawati trust and became the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs melantiknya Mutual-Aid Cabinet. But on March 11, 2004, he chose to resign from the office of Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs. This resignation steps make it more freely running political rights that would lead him to chair the national leadership summit. And finally, on a direct presidential election second round 20 September 2004, SBY is paired with Jusuf Kalla won the trust of the majority Indonesia by a vote of 60 percent Attas. And on October 20, 2004 he was inaugurated as President of the Republic of Indonesia to 6.
Here is a complete data about President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Name: Army General (ret.) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Born: Pacitan, East Java, 9 September 1949
Religion: Islam
Position: President of the Republic of Indonesia to 6
Wife: Christian Herawati, third daughter (Alm) General (Ret.) Sarwo Edhi Wibowo
Children: Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono
Dad: First Lieutenant (Peltu) R. Soekotji
Mother: Sitti Habibah
* Armed Forces Academy (Akabri) in 1973
* American Language Course, Lackland, Texas, USA, 1976
* Airbone and Ranger Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1976
* Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1982-1983
* On the job training in the 82-nd Airbone Division, Fort Bragg, USA, 1983
* Jungle Warfare School, Panama, 1983
* Antitank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany, 1984
* Battalion Command Course, 1985
* Army Command School, 1988-1989
* Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenwort, Kansas, USA
* Master of Arts (MA) from Management Webster University, Missouri, USA
* And the 330 Airborne Yonif Tonpan Kostrad (1974-1976)
* And Tonpan Yonif Kostrad 305 (1976-1977)
* And Mr. Mo 81 Yonif Airborne Kostrad 330 (1977)
* 17th Airborne Pasi-2/Ops Mabrigif Kujang I Kostrad (1977-1978)
* And the 330 Airborne Yonif Kipan Kostrad (1979-1981)
* SOPs SUAD Paban Young (1981-1982)
* Commander of the Infantry School Coach (1983-1985)
* And Dam 744 Yonif IX / Udayana (1986-1988)
* Dam Paban SOPs Madyalat IX / Udayana (1988)
* Lecturer Seskoad (1989-1992)
* Korspri Armed Forces Commander (1993)
* And Brigif Airborne 17 Kujang 1 Kostrad (1993-1994)
* Asops Kodam Jaya (1994-1995)
* 072/Pamungkas Kodam Danrem IV / Diponegoro (1995)
* Chief Military Observer United Nations Peace Forces (UNPF) in Bosnia-Herzegovina (since the beginning of November 1995)
* Kasdam Jaya (1996-only five months)
* Regional Commander II / Sriwijaya (1996 -) and Chairman Bakorstanasda
* Chairman of the Armed Forces faction Assembly (MPR Special Session 1998)
* Chief of Staff of the Territorial (caster Armed Forces (1998-1999)
* Mentamben (since October 26, 1999)
* Coordinating Polsoskam (Government of President Abdurrahman Wahid)
* Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Government of President Megawati Sukarnopotri) resigned March 11, 2004
sumber : http://berandakawasan.wordpress.com/2009/12/12/biografi-presiden-indonesia/
First President, Ir. Sukarno (1945-1966)
The first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, who was called Bung Karno, was born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 and died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. During his life, he has three wives and has eight children. Fatmawati wife of a son of Thunder, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati and Thunder. From wife Hartini has Taufan and Bayu, while the wife Ratna Sari Dewi, the woman called the original Japanese derivatives Naoko Nemoto Kartika have children ..
Sukarno's childhood just a few years living with his parents in Blitar. During elementary school until graduation, he lived in Surabaya, room and board at home Tokroaminoto Haji Said Kung, founder of the veteran politician Syarikat Islam. Then go back to school in the HBS (Hoogere Burger School). While studying at HBS that of Sukarno has galvanized nationalist spirit. After graduating HBS in 1920, moved to Bandung, and continue to THS (Technische Hoogeschool High school or technical knowledge is now the ITB). He earned the title "Ir" on May 25, 1926.
Then, he formulated and established the doctrine Marhaenisme PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia) on July 4, 1927, with the aim of an independent Indonesia. As a result, the Netherlands, put into prison Sukamiskin, Bandung on December 29, 1929. Eight months later a new trial. In his defense, entitled Indonesia Sue, he showed apostasy Netherlands, a nation that claims it is more advanced.
Defense that made the Dutch more and more angry. So in July 1930, the PNI was dissolved. Once free in 1931, Sukarno joined the Partindo and at the same time lead. As a result, he re-arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Ende, Flores, in 1933. Four years later moved to Bengkulu.
After a long struggle, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945. In the trial BPUPKI June 1, 1945, expressed Ir.Soekarno basic idea of what he called the Pancasila state. August 17, 1945, Ir Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. In the trial PPKI, August 18, 1945 Ir.Soekarno unanimously elected as President of the Republic of Indonesia first.
Previously, he also managed to formulate the Pancasila became the basis of (ideological) Unitary Republic of Indonesia. He seeks to unite the archipelago. Even Sukarno tried to gather the nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America with the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955 which later evolved into the Non-Aligned Movement.
Rebellion G.30.S./PKI delivery great political crisis that led to rejection of the Assembly of accountability. Instead MPR raised Soeharto as Acting President. His health continued to deteriorate, which on Sunday, June 21, 1970 he died at the army hospital. He was buried at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java near the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Menganugerahkannya government as a "Hero of the Proclamation"
President Second, Suharto (1966-19980)
Suharto was the second President of the Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta, on June 8, 1921. His father named Kertosudiro a farmer who is also the assistant headman of the village rice field irrigation, while his mother was Sukirah.
Suharto entered the school when I was eight years old, but often moved. Originally schooled in the Village School (SD) Tens, Godean. Then moved to SD Pedes, because her mother and her husband, Mr. Pramono moved house, to the South Kemusuk. However, Mr. Kertosudiro then move it to Wuryantoro. Suharto placed in his sister's house who was married to Prawirowihardjo, an orderly farm.
Until finally selected to be a soldier in the school model non-commissioned officer, Gombong, Central Java in 1941. He officially became a member of the TNI on October 5, 1945. In 1947, Suharto was married with a child Siti Hartinah Mangkunegaran employees.
Col. Perkimpoian Siti Hartinah Suharto and was held on December 26, 1947 in Solo. It was the age of 26 years of Suharto and Hartinah 24 years. They had six sons and daughters; Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Siti Hediati Herijadi, Hutomo Mandala Putra and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih.
General Big H.M. Suharto had walked a long way in the military and political career. In military, starting from Soeharto's army sergeant KNIL, then commander of PETA, the regimental commander with the rank of Major and Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel.
In 1949, he successfully led his forces retake the city of Yogyakarta from Dutch colonizers hand at the time. He also had been a Guard Commander in Chief Sudirman. It also had become Commander Mandala (liberation of West Irian).
October 1, 1965, eruption G.30.S./PKI. Suharto took over leadership of the Army. Besides confirmed as Army Commander, General Suharto was appointed by President Sukarno Pangkopkamtib. In March 1966, General Soeharto received a warrant March 11 from President Sukarno. His job, restore security and order and safeguard the teachings of the Great Leader of the Revolution, Bung Karno.
Because of the deteriorating political situation after the outbreak of G.30.S./PKI, MPRS Special Session, March 1967, appointed Soeharto as Acting President, was confirmed as the Second President, in March 1968. Soeharto ruled for more than three decades through the election six times, until he resigned, May 21, 1998.
Both the Resident RI HM Soeharto died at 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008. Great General Assembly awarded the honor as the Father of National Development, died at the age of 87 years after being treated for 24 days (from 4 to January 27, 2008) in Central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP), Jakarta.
News Soeharto's death was first informed Kapolsek Kebayoran Baru, Kompol. Dicky Sonandi, in Jakarta, Sunday (27 / 1). The team then formally submit the Presidency Dr. press release about the death of President Soeharto at precisely 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008 at RSPP Jakarta due to multiple organ failure.
Then approximately 14:40 o'clock, the corpse of former President Suharto to depart from the RSPP to the residence at number 8 Jalan Cendana, Menteng, Jakarta. Ambulance that carried the body of Soeharto's family accompanied by a number of vehicles and relatives and bodyguards. A number of journalists surged over when a convoy of vehicles was moving toward Cendana, resulted in a hit television journalist.
On the Cape and along Cendana thousands of people welcomed the arrival of a convoy of vehicles carrying Soeharto's body. Citizens sobs broke out as a series of vehicles that carry the body of former President Suharto into Cendana, at approximately 14:55, Sunday (27 / 1).
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla and a number of ministers who were following a limited cabinet meeting on food security, made a press conference for 3 minutes and 28 seconds at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Sunday (27 / 1). President convey deep condolences over the death of former President Haji Mohammad Suharto's second.
Third President, Habibie (1998-1999)
The third President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Habibie Bacharuddin born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He is the fourth child of eight children, spouse Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie, who is married to Hasri Ainun Habibie on May 12, 1962 was blessed with two sons namely Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.
Habibie childhood through with his brothers in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. Nature firmly adhered to the principle has been shown Habibie since childhood. Habibie, who had a penchant for this ride, should lose his father who died on 3 September 1950 because of a heart attack. Shortly after his father dies, Habibie moved to Bandung to study at the School Gouvernments Middlebare. In high school, he began to look outstanding achievements, especially in the exact sciences lessons. Habibie became a favorite figure in her school.
After graduating high school in bandung in 1954, he entered the University of Indonesia in Bandung (ITB now). He received his diploma from the Technische Hochschule, Germany in 1960 which then get gekar Doctorate from the same place in 1965. Habibie was married in 1962, and has two children. In 1967, became Professor of honor (Professor) at the Institut Teknologi Bandung. Habibie steps much admired, full of controversy, many admirers but no less did not agree with him. Each time, winning the prestigious Theodore Van Karman Award, was returned from the "habitat" of Germany, he always made the news. Habibie's only a year studying at ITB Bandung, 10 years of college to Ph.D. aircraft construction in Germany with summa cum laude. Then worked in the aircraft industry leading MBB GmbH Germany, prior to the call of President Suharto to return to Indonesia.
In Indonesia, Habibie served 20 years of Research and Technology Minister of State / Head of BPPT, leading 10 state-owned company of Strategic Industries, the Assembly elected a Vice President, and sworn in by Chief Justice to replace President Suharto. Suharto handed the presidency to Habibie on the basis of Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution. Until finally forced Habibie also stepped down from the refrendum East Timor chose independence. Accountability speech was rejected MPR. He went back to ordinary citizens, also migrate settled back to Germany.
Some of his work in calculating and designing several aircraft manufacturing project:
* VTOL (Vertical Take Off & Landing) Aircraft Carrier DO-31.
* Military Transport Aircraft C-130 Transall.
* Hansa Jet 320 (Aircraft Executive).
* Airbus A-300 (to 300 passengers)
* CN - 235
* N-250
* And indirectly participated in the count and design:
• BO-105 helicopter.
• Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA.)
• Some of the missile and satellite projects.
Some Signs Services / honors:
* 1976 - 1998 Director of PT. Nusantara Aircraft Industry / IPTN.
* 1978 - 1998 Minister of State for Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia.
* Chairman of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology / BPPT
* 1978 - 1998 Director of PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero).
* 1978 - 1998 Chairman of the Industrial Development Authority Batam Island / Opdip Batam.
* 1980 - 1998 Chairman of the Industrial Development Team Defense and Security (Presidential Decree. 40, 1980)
* 1983 - 1998 Director, PT Pindad (Persero).
* 1988 - 1998 Vice Chairman of Board of Trustees Strategic Industries.
* 1989 - 1998 Chairman of the Strategic Industries Management / BPIS.
* 1990 - 1998 Chairman of the Association of Muslim Scholars se-lndonesia/lCMI.
* Daily 1993 Presidium Coordinator, Board of Trustees of Golkar.
* 10 March to 20 May 1998 Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
* May 21, 1998 - October 1999 President of the Republic of Indonesia
Fourth president, Abdurrahman Wahid (1999-2001)
Gus Dur is the first son of six children born Denanyar Jombang in East Java on August 4, 1940. Gus Dur is genetically a descendant of "blue blood". His father, K.H. Wahid Hasyim is the son of K.H. Hasyim Ash'ari, the founder jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia, and the founder of Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang. Mother, Ny. Hj. Sholehah is the daughter of the founder of Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, KH Bisri Syamsuri. Maternal grandfather was also an NU leader, who became Rais' Aam NU after KH Abdul Wahab Hasbullah. Thus, Gus Dur is the grandson of two of NU clerics at a time, and two Indonesian national figures.
In 1949, when the clash with the Dutch government has ended, his father was appointed the first Minister of Religious Affairs, Wahid Hasyim, so the family moved to Jakarta. Thus the new atmosphere has been entered. The guests, consisting of the characters, with various professional fields, which previously had been found in her grandfather's house, when her father continued to be Minister of religion. This special experience for a child named Abdurrahman Wahid. Indirectly, Gus Dur also began to meet with the political world has heard from his father's colleagues who often hung in his house.
Since childhood, she has marked the various cues that Gus Dur will experience a different line of life and have a full awareness of the responsibility of the NU. In April 1953, Gus Dur went with his father drove to the West Java region to inaugurate the new madrasa. Somewhere along the mountains between Cimahi and Bandung, the car accident. Gus Dur can be saved, but his father died. His father's death brings its own influence in his life.
In daily life, Gus Dur has a penchant for reading and diligent use of his private library. He was also active in visiting public keperpustakaan in Jakarta. In their teens Gus Dur has been familiar with a variety of magazines, newspapers, novels and books is rather serious. The works are read by Gus Dur is not only the stories, the main story and the martial arts fiction, but the discourse of philosophy and documents overseas perhatianya not escape. In addition to reading, this one is good character also play football, chess and music. Thus, no wonder if Gus Dur had asked to be a football commentator on television. Another indulgence, who joined also completed his hobby is watching movies. This penchant for causing a deep appreciation of the film world. This is why Gu Dur in the year 1986-1987 was appointed as chairman of the Indonesian Film Festival jury.
Gus Dur's adolescence was spent largely in Yogyakarta and Tegalrejo. In two places is the development of science began to rise. The next period, Gus Dur live in Jombang, the Pesantren Pond Rice, until then continued his studies in Egypt. Before leaving for Egypt, his uncle had melamarkan a girl for him, namely Haji child Sinta Nuriyah Muh. Sakur. Perkimpoiannya executed when he was in Egypt.
Educational Experience
First time learning, small Wahid studied in the grandfather, KH Hasyim Ash'ari. While living with his grandfather, he taught the Koran and read the Koran. In the age of five years he has been well read the Koran. By the time his father moved to Jakarta, in addition to formal learning in school, Gus Dur is also followed in Dutch private tutoring. Tutor named William Buhl, a German who had converted to Islam, who changed his name to Alexander. To add the Dutch language lessons, Buhl always feature the usual classical music enjoyed by adults. This is the first time Gu Dur contiguity with the Western world and from here also Gus Dur became interested and loved classical music.
After graduating from elementary school, Wahid sent his parents to study in Yogyakarta. In 1953 he entered SMEP (First High School of Economics) Gowongan, while at boarding school mondok Krapyak. The school is even managed by the Roman Catholic Church, but the full use secular curriculum. At this school is also the first time Gus Dur learn English. Because they feel constrained to live in a world of boarding school, he finally asked to move to town and stay at home Haji Junaidi, a local leader of Muhammadiyah and influential people in SMEP. Regular activity, after morning prayers in the Koran KH Ma'shum Krapyak, the school day in SMEP, and at night he joined a discussion along with Haji Junaidi and other members of the Muhammadiyah.
After graduating from SMEP Wahid continued his studies at the Islamic School Tegarejo Magelang Central Java. Pesantren are cared for by K.H. Chudhari, humanist figure kyai, pious and beloved teacher. This is what Chudhari Kyai Wahid introduced by Sufi rites and practices instill a mystical ritual. Under the guidance of this kyais also, Wahid began making pilgrimages to the sacred graves of the saints in Java. At the time of entry into this pesantren, Wahid took the entire collection of books, which makes students, other students amazed. At this time also Gus Dur has been able to demonstrate ability in berhumor and talk. In connection with this last one is an interesting story that deserves revealed in this exposure is to show great imtihan-party held before the fasting during the complete separation of students completing the learning-by providing food and beverage and entertainment bring all the people, such as: Gamelan , traditional dances, horse lumping, Jathilan, and so on. Clearly, such entertainments mentioned above is very taboo for the world at large boarding school. However, it exists and occurs in Pesantren Tegalrejo.
After spending two years at boarding school Tegalrejo, Wahid moved back to Jombang, and lived in boarding Rice Pond. At that time he was approaching 20 years, so in his uncle's boarding school, KH Abdul Fatah, he became a ustadz, and became head of security. At the age of 22 years, Wahid left for the holy land, to perform the pilgrimage, which is then passed to Egypt to continue his studies at the University of al-Azhar. First time up in Egypt, he was disappointed not to be directly included in al-Azhar University, but must go Aliyah (sort of preparatory school). At school he was bored, having to repeat courses that have been taken in Indonesia. To eliminate boredom, Gus Dur is often visited libraries and information centers of America (USIS) and bookstores where he can get the books you want.
However, enthusiasm for learning Wahid did not recede. The proof in 1979, Gus Dur was offered to study to a university in Australia to mendapatkkan doctorate. However, good intentions can not be fulfilled, for all promoters can not afford, and menggangap that Wahid does not require that title.
Pegembaraanya return from seeking knowledge, Wahid returned to Jombang and chose to be a teacher. In 1971, these young people joined the Faculty of the University of Sugarcane Ushuludin Ireng Jombang. Three years later he became secretary Ireng Pesantren Tebu, and in the same year Gus Dur was becoming a writer. He returned to his talent sebagaii writer and columnist. Through these writings Wahid thinking ideas start getting attention of many. Djohan Efendi, a leading intellectual of his time, considered that Gus Dur is a digestive, digest all the ideas he had read, and then absorbed into their own thoughts.
In 1974 Wahid was asked his uncle, K.H. Yusuf Hasyim to assist in Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang with a secretary. From this starting Wahid often get invited to be keynote speaker at a number of religious discussion and kepesantrenan, both at home and abroad. Wahid further involved in the activities of NGOs.
In 1979, Wahid moved to Jakarta. At first he pioneered the Pesantren Ciganjur. While in the early 1980s as Wahid's vice-Katib believed NU Syria. Wahid here involved in discussions and serious debate about religious issues, social and political in many circles across religion, ethnicity and discipline. Gus Dur's more serious writing and wrestling with the world, both in the field of culture, politics, and Islamic thought. Careers that are considered 'menyimpang'-in his capacity as a religious figure as well as the NU-board and invite scorn when he became chairman of the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) on tahunn 1983. He also became chairman of the jury of the Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) in 1986, 1987.
In 1984, Gus Dur unanimously selected by a team of ahl al-hall wa'aqdi chaired by KH As'ad Syamsul Arifin a position in the general chairman of NU at the 27th congress in Situbondo. Re-affirmed the position in the 28th congress in pesantren Krapyak Yogyakarta (1989), and Cipasung convention in West Java (1994). NU chairman position is then released when the president Wahid of Indonesia to 4. Although the president, the nyleneh of Gus Dur is not lost, even more known by the whole society. In the past, perhaps only certain communities, particularly the feeling among the controversy nahdliyin ideas. Now the entire Indonesian nation come to think of ideas that the controversy raised by KH Abdurrahman Wahid
Fifth President, Megawati (2001-2004)
President of the Republic of Indonesia 5, Megawati Sukarnoputri was born in Yogyakarta, January 23, 1947. Before elected as president, he was Vice President of the 8th under Abdurrahman Wahid administration. Megawati is the eldest daughter of the first President who was also proclaimer, Sukarno and Fatmawati. Megawati, was originally married to a pilot Lieutenant airforce pilots, Surendro and had two sons named Mohammad Prananda and Mohammad Rizki Pratama.
At a military assignment, in 1970, in Eastern Indonesia, a pilot Surendro with military aircraft missing in action. Unparalleled suffering, while small children and babies. However, the pain was not prolonged, three years later married a man Mega named Taufik Kiemas, origin Ogan Komiring Ulu, Palembang. Happy family life increases, with blessed with a daughter Puan Maharani. Megawati's childhood life was spent in the State Palace. Since childhood, Megawati was nimble and likes to play soccer with his brother Guntur. For girls, Megawati had a hobby and is often shown dancing in front of state guests who visited the Palace.
Women's full name Dyah Permata Megawati Sukarnoputri is to start his education, from elementary to high school at the University Cikini, Jakarta. Meanwhile, he had studied at the two Universities, the Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Bandung (1965-1967) and the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia (1970-1972). Although born of an excellent politician's family, Mbak Mega - close call his supporters - are not somewhat versed in the political world. In fact, Megawati had one eye is seen by friends and political opponents. He even considered a newcomer in the political arena, the new in 1987. At that time the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) placing it as one of legislative candidates from electoral districts of Central Java, to boost the sound.
Megawati entrance into the political arena, meaning he has to deny his family agreement not to go into politics. Political trauma that the family ditabraknya. Megawati appeared to be the belle of the PDI in the campaign, although classified as not much to say. Was indeed successful. Vote for the PDI rises. And he was elected to parliament. In the same year was elected as Chairman of Megawati PDI Central Jakarta.
However, Megawati's presence at Parliament House does not seem to feel. Apparently, Megawati knows that he is still under pressure. In addition to nature's quiet, even belaiu chose not to stand out considering the political situation at that time. So more belaiu choose to do political lobbying outside the building representatives. Political lobby, a silent operation, it directly or indirectly, has led to the publication of Mega star in the political world. In 1993 he was elected as Chairman of the PDI. This is a great shock to the government at that time.
Mega rise this process is an interesting story too. At that time, the PDI Congress in Medan ended without producing any decisions. Government supports replacing Budi Hardjono Soerjadi. Then, followed by the Extraordinary Congress held in Surabaya. At this congress, Megawati's name appears and is soundly beat Budi Hardjono, candidates backed by the government. Megawati was elected as Chairman of the PDI. Then Mega status as Chairman of the PDI strengthened again by the National Congress of the PDI in Jakarta.
But the government refused and considered invalid. Therefore, the next trip, the government supports Mega pry power as Chairman of the PDI. Fatimah Ahmad et al, for government support, organized the PDI Congress in Medan in 1996, to raise the back Soerjadi. But Mega is not easily conquered. Because Mega firmly states do not recognize the Medan Congress. Mega firmly declared himself as the Chairman of the PDI is valid. PDI headquarters on Jalan Diponegoro, as a symbol of the legitimate existence of the DPP, controlled by the Mega. The Megawati supporters do not want to recede a single step. They keep trying to maintain the office.
Government-backed Soerjadi also provide a threat to seize by force the PDI office. The threat became reality. Morning, on July 27, 1996 Soerjadi group actually took the PDI headquarters of Megawati supporters. However, it did not discourage Mega step. In fact, he hoisted step further strengthen the resistance. Great political pressure on Megawati's naked, menundang empathy and sympathy from the wider community.
Mega keep fighting. PDI became two. Namely, the PDI leader Megawati and the PDI leadership Soerjadi. PDI is more impartial and admitted Mega. However, the government admitted Soerjadi as PDI chairman legitimate. As a result, PDI leader Megawati could not participate in 1997 elections. After the New Order regime collapsed, PDI Mega changed its name to PDI Struggle. Political parties bearing bull-mouthed fat white and won 1999 elections by taking more than thirty percent of the vote. The victory puts PDIP Megawati at least deserves a position as president than any other party cadres. But it was in the MPR 1999, Megawati lost.
However, both positions are apparently a later stage in time for Mega establish the position as number one in this country. For less than two years, the exact date of July 23, 2001 members of the Assembly unanimously places to sit as President Megawati of Indonesia to replace 5 KH Abdurrahman Wahid. Megawati became president until October 20, 2003. Having finished his term of office, Megawati re-run for president in a direct presidential election in 2004. However, he failed to return as president after losing to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who eventually became President of the Republic of Indonesia to 6.
Sixth President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2014)
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the president of RI to-6. Unlike the previous president, he was the first president directly elected by the people in the Second round of Presidential Election 20 September 2004. Best graduates academy (1973) is familiarly called SBY was born in Pacitan, East Java, 9 September 1949. His wife was named Christian Herawati, is the third daughter of the late Gen. (Ret.) Sarwo Edhi Wibowo.
Retired four-star general was the only child of the couple R. Soekotjo and Sitti Habibah. Blood soldiers down from his father who retired as a lieutenant. While his mother, Sitti Habibah, the daughter of one of the founders Ponpes Tremas. He had two sons, namely Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (follow and emulate, and traces of SBY achievements, graduating from Akmil in 2000 with the award-winning Star Adhi Makayasa) and Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (best graduates Taruna Nusantara, Magelang who pursue science and economics).
SR Education is footing most determining future in SBY. When sitting in fifth grade, he knew for the first time and familiar with the name of the National Military Academy (AMN), Magelang, Central Java. AMN later changed its name to Akabri. SBY in Pacitan Junior High School, located in the south of the square. This is a role model school for children Pacitan City. Attitude inherited his father's harsh discipline, SBY struggling to realize the ideals of her childhood into the army with the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic of Indonesia (Akabri) after graduating high school end of 1968. However, due to late register, SBY is not directly go Akabri. So SBY also had been a student of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering 10 November Surabaya (ITS).
But then, chose SBY School Teachers in Further Education First (PGSLP) in Malang, East Java. While studying in Malang PGSLP that, he prepared himself to enter Akabri. In 1970, finally entered Akabri in Magelang, Central Java, after receiving final exam in Bandung. SBY one armed with Agus Wirahadikusumah, Ryamizard Ryacudu, and Prabowo Subianto. During his education, who earned the nickname SBY giraffe, very prominent. Proven, belaiu achieve Akabri predicate best graduates received awards in 1973 with a badge Makasaya Adhi.
Continued his military education at the Airborne and Ranger Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA (1976), Infantry Officer Advanced Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA (1982-1983) by taking honors graduate, Jungle Warfare Training in Panama (1983), Anti Tank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany (1984), Battalion Commander Course in Bandung (1985), Seskoad at Bandung (1988-1989) and Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA (1990-1991). Obtained an MA degree from Webster University USA. Military career, beginning with the took office as the Airborne And Yonif Tonpan Kostrad 330 (Platoon Commander III in Rifle Company A, Battalion Airborne Infantry 330/Tri Dharma, Kostrad) in 1974-1976, directly in charge of about 30 soldiers.
330 Airborne Battalion is one of the three battalions in the Brigade, 17th Airborne Infantry Kujang I / Kostrad, which has a fragrance in various military operations. It is the third battalion Airborne Infantry Battalion 330/Tri Dharma, Airborne Infantry Battalion 328/Dirgahayu, and the Airborne Infantry Battalion 305/Tengkorak. English fluency, making selected following an air traffic (airborne) and education commandos (ranger) at the Army Education Center United States, Ford Benning, Georgia, 1975. Returning then to the ground water, SBY took office, Platoon Commander of A Company Second Battalion of Airborne 305/Tengkorak (And Tonpan Yonif Kostrad 305) in 1976-1977. He also led the platoon was fighting in East Timor.
On his return from East Timor, SBY to 81 Mortar Platoon Commander Airborne Yonif Kostrad 330 (1977). After that, he was placed as 17th Airborne Pasi-2/Ops Mabrigif Kujang I Kostrad (1977-1978), and 330 Airborne Yonif Kipan Kostrad (1979-1981), and SOPs Paban SUAD Young (1981-1982). When he served in the Army Headquarters, it had a chance SBY back to the United States schools. From 1982 to 1983, he followed the Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1982-1983 and internship-On the job training in the 82-nd Airbone Division, Fort Bragg, USA, 1983. Then follow the Jungle Warfare School, Panama, 1983 and Antitank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany, 1984, and Battalion Command Course, 1985. At the same time served as commander of SBY Coach Infantry School (1983-1985)
Then he believed was And Checkers 744 Yonif IX / Udayana (1986-1988) and SOPs Madyalat Dam Paban IX / Udayana (1988), before joining the education in Command and Staff College Army (Seskoad) in Bandung and out as the best graduate Seskoad 1989. SBY also could be Seskoad Lecturer (1989-1992), and placed in the Department of the Army Information (Dispenad) with tasks such as making speeches Army Chief General Edi Sudradjat. Then when Edi Sudradjat served the armed forces, he was drawn to the Headquarters of the Armed Forces to become Coordinator of Personal Staff (Korspri) Armed Forces Commander General Edi Sudradjat (1993).
Then, he again served in combat units, was appointed Commander of the Airborne Infantry Brigade (And Brigif Airborne) 17 Kujang I / Strategic Reserve Command (1993-1994) together with the LTC Riyamizard Ryacudu. Later served Asops Kodam Jaya (1994-1995) and Danrem 072/Pamungkas Kodam IV / Diponegoro (1995). Soon after, SBY is believed served to Bosnia and Herzegovina to become an officer in the United Nations (1995). He served as head of the UN Military Observers (Chief Military Observer United Nations Protection Force), which oversees the truce in the former Yugoslavia by Dayton agreement, the United States between Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina. After returning from Bosnia, he was appointed as Chief of Staff Kodam Jaya (1996). Later served as Regional Commander II / Sriwijaya (1996-1997) and Chairman and Chief Bakorstanasda Armed Forces faction Assembly (MPR Special Session in 1998) before becoming Chief of Staff of the Territorial (caster) Armed Forces (1998-1999).
Meanwhile, his political career step to begin on January 27, 2000, when deciding to retire early from the military when he believed served as Minister of Mines and Energy in the government of President KH Abdurrahman Wahid. Soon after, SBY was forced to leave his position as Mentamben because Gus Dur was asked Menkopolsoskam. On August 10, 2001, President Megawati trust and became the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs melantiknya Mutual-Aid Cabinet. But on March 11, 2004, he chose to resign from the office of Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs. This resignation steps make it more freely running political rights that would lead him to chair the national leadership summit. And finally, on a direct presidential election second round 20 September 2004, SBY is paired with Jusuf Kalla won the trust of the majority Indonesia by a vote of 60 percent Attas. And on October 20, 2004 he was inaugurated as President of the Republic of Indonesia to 6.
Here is a complete data about President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Name: Army General (ret.) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Born: Pacitan, East Java, 9 September 1949
Religion: Islam
Position: President of the Republic of Indonesia to 6
Wife: Christian Herawati, third daughter (Alm) General (Ret.) Sarwo Edhi Wibowo
Children: Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono
Dad: First Lieutenant (Peltu) R. Soekotji
Mother: Sitti Habibah
* Armed Forces Academy (Akabri) in 1973
* American Language Course, Lackland, Texas, USA, 1976
* Airbone and Ranger Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1976
* Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1982-1983
* On the job training in the 82-nd Airbone Division, Fort Bragg, USA, 1983
* Jungle Warfare School, Panama, 1983
* Antitank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany, 1984
* Battalion Command Course, 1985
* Army Command School, 1988-1989
* Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenwort, Kansas, USA
* Master of Arts (MA) from Management Webster University, Missouri, USA
* And the 330 Airborne Yonif Tonpan Kostrad (1974-1976)
* And Tonpan Yonif Kostrad 305 (1976-1977)
* And Mr. Mo 81 Yonif Airborne Kostrad 330 (1977)
* 17th Airborne Pasi-2/Ops Mabrigif Kujang I Kostrad (1977-1978)
* And the 330 Airborne Yonif Kipan Kostrad (1979-1981)
* SOPs SUAD Paban Young (1981-1982)
* Commander of the Infantry School Coach (1983-1985)
* And Dam 744 Yonif IX / Udayana (1986-1988)
* Dam Paban SOPs Madyalat IX / Udayana (1988)
* Lecturer Seskoad (1989-1992)
* Korspri Armed Forces Commander (1993)
* And Brigif Airborne 17 Kujang 1 Kostrad (1993-1994)
* Asops Kodam Jaya (1994-1995)
* 072/Pamungkas Kodam Danrem IV / Diponegoro (1995)
* Chief Military Observer United Nations Peace Forces (UNPF) in Bosnia-Herzegovina (since the beginning of November 1995)
* Kasdam Jaya (1996-only five months)
* Regional Commander II / Sriwijaya (1996 -) and Chairman Bakorstanasda
* Chairman of the Armed Forces faction Assembly (MPR Special Session 1998)
* Chief of Staff of the Territorial (caster Armed Forces (1998-1999)
* Mentamben (since October 26, 1999)
* Coordinating Polsoskam (Government of President Abdurrahman Wahid)
* Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Government of President Megawati Sukarnopotri) resigned March 11, 2004
sumber : http://berandakawasan.wordpress.com/2009/12/12/biografi-presiden-indonesia/
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